Recent Content by XxHappy MifflexX

  1. XxHappy MifflexX
    I are ish happy to meet you too!
    Thank you for welcoming me Fuzzy *pronounced it as "fuzzeh"* *bows*

    o.o ooh... I like your piccccccy XD

    *steals it and eats it* =E

    -xxhappy mifflexx
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. XxHappy MifflexX
    WOOOOWWWWW O.O so many welcomes!

    *takes a deep breath*
    THANKYOUFORWELCOMINGME, newman,Misty,hiddenkeyblade3TrueKeybladeMaster,christhor,Zeftnon - The Superior,AngelsNeedFlight,OneWingedHeartless!! *bows low enough that her head reaches the floor*


    *munches on text book and stares at Zeftnon* o.o whas wa tha?

    - XxHappy MifflexX
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. XxHappy MifflexX
    *is fighting against the forces of the vile homework*
    Thank you for- *kicks homework away* welcoming me, iwantedtoexplode and Star_Seeker.

    XD Mad people are the best people for they are the most interesting.

    *homework procedes to give paper cuts* EVIL! *grabs scissors* HAVE AT THEE! *attacks*

    -XxHappy MifflexX


    Thank you for welcoming me, HigherBeing *Bows*

    *throws homework confetti about*
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. XxHappy MifflexX
    Thank you for welcoming me The blindfold unknown XD *Bows*

    I do believe I will have a very great time here.

    *homework attacks* AHHH! EVIL! NOO! BACK I SAY! *stabs homework with a pencil*

    - XxHappy Mi- Evil Homework of Doom Takes Over!
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. XxHappy MifflexX
    Sup? Soup! *eats ramen noodles*

    Thank you for welcoming me Ultima-Sora *bows*

    Gawsh, I feel very welcomed. ah-hyuk ^o^ *munches on her text book again*

    -XxHappy MifflexX
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. XxHappy MifflexX
    *salutes to the admin RvR* Thank you for welcoming me. *bows*
    ^-^ So far, this place seems like a lot of fun... and it has nice people!

    *continues to do random stuff (that is not homework)*

    -XxHappy MifflexX
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. XxHappy MifflexX
    Thank you for welcoming me Heaxrt17 *bows*

    I know I wiiiiillllll have a good time here!

    *munches on her text book* om nom nom

    - XxHappy MifflexX


    OMG! COOKIIIIESSSS!!! *munches on cookies*

    Fank joo fro velcumng meh hamber *bows*

    *swallows* yay for welcomes! ^-^

    -XxHappy MifflexX
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  8. XxHappy MifflexX
    OooOh! The Rpg section sounds like fun! I'll check it out.
    Mmmmm spammmm. Yay spam zone!

    Thank you for welcoming me Rosey *bows*

    *prances about the site* OMFG! WEEEEE!!! *hops into a shopping cart and drives off*

    - XxHappy MifflexX
    Post by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. XxHappy MifflexX
    Hey, my name is = XxHappy MifflexX
    I live in the U.S. I am currently hyper and avoiding my homework.
    As you can see, I'm such a n00b I don't even have an icon or a sig. (thats 'cause I'm lazy and my excuse is "I can't I have to do my homework." if that makes any sense)
    I <3 Kingdom Hearts a lot.
    *rambles on and on and on*

    *waves* ^o^ I hope to become a regular member to this here place. *looks around* Exploring time! *rolls around the site*

    (ADD much? maybe.)

    - XxHappy MifflexX
    Thread by: XxHappy MifflexX, Oct 15, 2007, 36 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures