Recent Content by xNobodyx

  1. xNobodyx
    Zexion!! I love Zexion! He's so quiet! .....& cute. He needs more of a story in KH.
    So far, the only thing we know about him, (unless KH2:FM+ says anything) is that he is in the Basement of Castle Oblivion, with Lexeaus and Vexen. He used some kind of manipulation on Riku to make Riku believe that Zexion was Sora. His weapon is a book. His hair is AWESOME. His description is "The Cloaked Schemer" in Proof of Exsistance, and his weapon is all exploded, so you cant see it. I guess they thought of Zexion's weapon during the creation of KH:RECoM.
    Post by: xNobodyx, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. xNobodyx
    But, in KH2, we find out that the heartless were made in Ansem's(The "Real" Ansem) study.
    I think that that big maching had like a giant heart in it or something. When I first saw it and read its descriptions, I thought that maybe it was the heart of End of the World, since every world has a heart.
    Post by: xNobodyx, Jan 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX