Recent Content by Xnai-The World Leaper

  1. Xnai-The World Leaper
    I need the code to play as Hooded Mickey. I would appreciate it if someone told me. Thanks.:stupid:
    Post by: Xnai-The World Leaper, Oct 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Xnai-The World Leaper
    Simply put, I need to know the button combonation for Super Glide; I can not read the Japanese description, so uh,:stupid: could someone tell me? I would deeply appreciate it. Thanks.
    Thread by: Xnai-The World Leaper, Sep 26, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Xnai-The World Leaper
    Enemy Codes?

    I'll make this short and simple.

    I have been searching for days for codes and watching videos on how people fight bosses where they wish to, but I have not been able to find any codes for hence subject. I would appreciate if someone would tell be how or what codes and what to do. Or, if I am missing something, such as the party mod codes I am reading about.
    Bosses I would like-

    Terra (Multiple?)
    Roxas (Hooded Boss)
    Twilight Xemnas (Final)

    Post by: Xnai-The World Leaper, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault