anyone have codes for the organization weapons? and i need the codes in ARMAX. i dont think organization weapons can mess up the game or make it freeze up or make you go into T stance. but can you press the start button and all?
dam... and here i was looking for a bit of challenge. sephiroth i wont even try though. i dont like him lol. the first time i killed him i was about lvl 80 something.
i thought that the battle lvl difficulty codes are for increasing the damage they do or how the fights go on but that doesnt really change. thats a shame. i finished the game on proud mode at i think lvl 48 or something. infinite gauge code works wonders in many situations. but i want to have weapons either sora isnt supposed to have or play as characters that you either cant or normally dont unless its some sort of situation. but those codes make you go into a T stance or make the game freeze or makes the game mess up in whichever way. any suggestions?
how mnay boxes of health does seifer have if the battle lvl is deadly? cause for the past few minutes ive beeen trying to take him out and im thinking hes a walking blood bank now.
so the master code in the armax is already there? or should i enter it anyways? because if you need a mastercode to make cheats work, then iot has to be in there already. in the code list, i dont see master code. should i enter it anyways?
is the master code requiered? the codes i use like 98 each keyblade, full party all the time, infinite gauge (hit the enemy when gauge is all out to regain full gauge) work without me putting in the master code. but those are the ones i found here. then theres other codes that were on the armax already.
it ses for the code way to dawn that the code doesnt work for the game. invalid or something like that.
i tried the code for the command menu for riku. jump, dark aura, and attack wont work. do they work in certain worlds? some of the character codes and mods like that dont work in certain places. do i need to do something for the codes to work everywhere?
which blue abilities? and is the play as riku code make the game freeze up? i tried it at the colosium and it froze. when your in the world with a different outfit on sora like halloween you dont see riku but the command menu changes.
can someone help me with a few codes? im looking for some codes to have fun but they either make the game frozen or go into a black screen of death. the full party code works. problem is when i try getting auron into the party it gets the game frozen out of nowhere. what i do is while im in the middle of a fight, i go to the party option, switch donald for auron, and when hes supposed to come in, the game freezes and only the bgm continues. its happening while im trying to get the stone in hades area. infinite drive isnt acually "infinite" cause once it runs out or a scene happens after you finish an event like the practice thing when you first get to the collusium. once i go into drive form, and i finish it, my drive is at 0 and i have to get it again. and the dw roxas code i dont think i can hit the start button and it freezes up when theres a scene that goes on.
and theres some other codes like all abilities that makes the game not start at all. is there certain times to use certain codes? or are the codes messed up?
i hate fighting the secret boss in KH1. he killed me sooooooooooooo many times till i finally got the hang of it. the funnest boss would be axel. hes more lively and its just fun fighting him. sephiroth was a pain also. but he was a bit easier in KH1. KH2 he kicked my a$$ with total ease. i had to kill him at i think lvl 92 or so. yea i know. i shuck. but well i didnt have any good stratagies because he has Sin Harvest Angel and he can hit me in the air and do massive damage to me in air. and he also does that thing where i have to block his attacks in time.
overall, i hated the secret boss in agraba in KH1 and i loved fighting axel.
does the site say something like kharmaxcodes? if yes then i found it. its full of em ill tell ye that much. im guessing i found it. ill save the site. but right now i have to start cheating in resident evil for a bit. just fixed my ps2 by myself. a system can get addicting for not playing it for a few years. i had disc read error all the time. thanks for showing me the site. tyvm
sry i cant find it. i checked 1504-1506. but where do you get the codes from? which site? will the code for axel replacing the party make the game freeze from pressing start? the 1 with axel being a boss made the game freeze from pressing start and trying to change party members from command window.
is he a boss or does he help you?
i didnt try it cause im trying all of my games right now. but if you can, can you give me the code for antiform sora with keyblade wield. ty
EDIT: i put in the code. it works but the thing is that axel is of course the boss and i have riku on my team in TWTNW but when i go party, the game freezes. so axel isnt really in my party. and theres only 1 axel. i dont know which 1 worked. donals or goofy turning into axel. i always have rotten luck with cheating. but i saw a vid on youtube with 2 axels fighting the enemies. axel is supposed to be helping. atleast i saw axel helping out. dont know if axel rerally was. it looked like it. thats all i know.
EDIT2: ok i figured out the thing. axel is ofcourse a boss. you cant hit start ot the game freezes up. and you cant hit party in the command window or it also freezes up. so if you have both donald and goofy in the party, theres 2 axels. if 1 of them, then 1 axel. but how do you make them acually help?