Recent Content by xiv_713

  1. xiv_713
    tried looking everywhere (quite literally) since i was told they exist but are there any codes for taking x2 damage or dealing 1/2 damage ¿ ive found codes for taking 0 damage and dealing all the damage but nothing for the opposite end
    Post by: xiv_713, Apr 14, 2024 in forum: Code Vault
  2. xiv_713
    also looking for a no bgm code for this game
    Post by: xiv_713, Nov 28, 2023 in forum: Code Vault
  3. xiv_713
    greetings , im not sure if im missing anything but the kh2 cutscene archive mentions being subtitle free but from the ones ive downloaded they still seem to have subtitles . is this just a mistake or is there a way to disable them similar to the music toggle cutscenes such as 358/2 days ¿
    Thread by: xiv_713, May 16, 2022, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX