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    Hey, whats up?

    Hey, whats up?
    Profile Post by Ximecky for #8-Axel, Jun 25, 2010
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    Thats awesome.

    Thats awesome.
    Profile Post by Ximecky for #8-Axel, May 2, 2010
  8. Ximecky
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  10. Ximecky
    Spike629 is my main one
    Profile Post by Ximecky for #8-Axel, May 1, 2010
  11. Ximecky
  12. Ximecky
    Yeah, so Aqua gave up her heart to Ven. Which would explain why Ven has two hearts and could give one to Roxas. Or how ever that works, other people have that all figured out. Then Terra tries to bring Aqua back, it fails and he is sent into darkness. After that, he becomes Xehanort and we understand BBS.
    Post by: Ximecky, Jan 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Ximecky
    While I was doing a homework assignment using Kingdom Hearts, I came across a very interesting scene in Hollow Bastion. Yeah I feel like a nerd using Kingdom Hearts for a school project. Anyways, Hollow Bastion: First Visit minute 13:25-end. Riku talks about how Kairi is a sleep and the only way she can be awakened is by her heart. Which we all know is in Sora. The only way to wake up kairi is for Sora to stab himself with the artificial Keyblade. That released Kairi's heart and Sora's heart. Then Sora turned into a heartless for a short period of time, and Kairi woke up and was reborn.

    So the facts (or observations) we can get from this are:
    1) When person A gives their heart away they go to sleep. This may only be when a person willingly gives up their heart.
    2) They can only wake up when they get their heart back.
    3) If person B has the heart of person A, the only way to give person A back their heart is by also giving up their heart. Person B then turns into a heartless and fall into darkness.

    So I was thinking, what could birth by sleep mean? Then I remembered those three facts and started to ponder. Did someone have their heart taken from them (like a princess of heart) and someone gave up their heart to revive her. A lot like what Sora had to do. So that may explain why Terra turned into Xehanort. He gave up his heart and fell into darkness. He then woke up as Xehanort. Also that would explain why Riku/Ansem knew all about "waking up". If that theory is true.

    So what do you guys think? Is this a random piece of information that has no connection to BBS or do you guys have theories and this may help prove them? Honestly, I have no idea how to use this information but hopefully someone out there does.
    Thread by: Ximecky, Jan 7, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Ximecky
    When I first watched the cut scene, I thought that he was just like the Guardian heartless that protects Ansem. So it may just be that Master Xehanort created a being that would protect him and help fight with him. Then Ansem used that knowledge to make the guardian.
    Post by: Ximecky, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX