Recent Content by #XIII Roxas

  1. #XIII Roxas
    I read somewhere (I think it was Wikipedia) that having your arm in that fashion was a sign of loss of a mentor or friend. And since in FFX Auron's two closest friends were killed it may be because of that (But then again I can't remember if his arm was like that before they fought Sin)

    P.S. I also voted for Auron
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. #XIII Roxas
    I find it to be a great challenging game (despite being stuck on Ahriman at the moment >.<) although what the above two guys have said are right the characters were lacking quite a bit. The storyline is alright and the graphics are spectacular but I still have FFX at the top with characters and storyline (Auron Pwns all).
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. #XIII Roxas
    Skelly got it done first so I'll go with his. Thanks for wanting to help though everyone =D
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 15, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. #XIII Roxas
    ...nobody can make me an avvy? *cries*
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  5. #XIII Roxas
    Yeah my friend has the manga's and there's like guns and killing in them.

    As for me I still play (With my pwnage Exodia deck =P) My only problem is FINDING someone to play >.<
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. #XIII Roxas
    Really? O_o

    I say stuff like that all the time. Just tell her in a serious tone that you aren't and that you're just being silly. Also assure her that drugs are bad and that'd you'd never take them. Ever. Unless they're medicimal.
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. #XIII Roxas
    Hi people who like Runescape

    I play too, Carrotman714 is my name, I'm a lvl 85 member and am currently training on greater demons in the wilderness :rockdover:
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 14, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. #XIII Roxas

    The problem with the masamune is that if someone with a heavy weapon hit your sword in the middle upwards hard enough it would snap.
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. #XIII Roxas
    A simple katana (samurai sword) or two. Fast and efficient.
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. #XIII Roxas
    I can beat Xaldin without him hitting me =)

    Anyway, using learn and jump is the key along with rumbling rose. But more important than them is guard and reflect. Ok when he starts and puts his wind shield he will then use either the attack where he stabs with all 6 or slashes with them. If you guard the stab run forward and hit triangle repeatedly. DON'T USE JUMP NOW.

    If he uses the slash then guard that and use learn. When you get nine, use them up and use one combo on him with the keyblade. He'll either start stabbing and slashing again or start jumping. To dodge the jumps wait for a little swirl of wind to appear behind you and then jump forward (don't do anything else but jump) and after you have use learn repeatedly.

    Don't use jump until he starts shooting wind balls at you and when he does hit him and combo him. Immediatly fall to the ground and guard because he will start going crazy with his spears. If you guard them repeadtedly you will survive. The he'll use his big wind attack so to block it go to the most eastern corner and use reflect to evade it.

    Then he'll either do his crazy attack again or start teleporting around. If he teleports then use reflect and when he stops he should get hit and then you can use a combo on him. He may also use stab or slash so use the same strategy in the first part only he will slash more so you'll need to guard more. Repeat until defeated.

    And that's my guide on how to beat Xaldin without taking any damage. I don't have one to beat Saix however.
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. #XIII Roxas

    Al Bhed

    Yicdnymey. Oyo. *ehcand funtc du vemm ib 7 funt ban bucd syng* =D

    E paddan ku huf. Paah vih dymgehk du oui ymm! Poa!
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. #XIII Roxas

    Al Bhed

    Syopa drao'na dnoehk du bnadaht drao lyh cbayg Ym prat. Cemmeac.

    E's eh so luihdno =)
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. #XIII Roxas

    Al Bhed

    Rir? Fryd yna oui cyoehk?
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. #XIII Roxas

    Al Bhed

    Fro yna oui cbaygehk keppanecr? Un ec ed yhudran myhkiyka?

    Cusadesac E tu duu =]
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. #XIII Roxas

    Al Bhed

    E's kuut, sahd du pa eh pat druikr =3
    Post by: #XIII Roxas, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone