He needed to be ‘taken care of‘. -eye shifts-
Crap, you're the second person to say that, so it must be true. D: I think the gray tones make it Tim Burton-ish. Creepy in a good way? None the less, thanks!
Perhaps a celebration is in order?
My back yard's full of oranges so I'd say pears.
She’s a tree branch? 8 D
^ Is my butt buddy. <3
I told you so... o___o; Like it? The noises are kind of funky. :I
Meh, why did I pick pink...? Dx
That's a mighty cute heartless. <3
Joo has kewt dogs~ :3
The cliks- oh yeah I need more fun music... -lurks-
-pulls out paper- How old is she? Huuu? =D
Books tend to suck when forced to read them. -pat- pat- -ILU