Recent Content by Xenmas

  1. Xenmas
    Well as so many else I prefere a good story over the gameplay. But I still find the gameplay so important that I wont continue to play the game if it hasent got a somehow good gameplay. Graphics and such is a bonus wich makes the game a hole lot better. I probably wouldent have bought KH2 if it was made of stickmen.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 24, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Xenmas
    Makes sense. Evrything comes from something. And those chasers we see in the cinematic are probably the creators of Mickeys, Soras and Rikus keyblades wich would explain why they would be holding them.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 24, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Xenmas
    In order to win over Roxas he had to become one with the darkness, so he transformed himself into Ansem using the darkness of his heart.
    But his eyes shoved what he truely was deep inside, so he had to blindfold them to hide his true self from himself and the rest of the world.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 23, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Xenmas
    Wouldent we all;)
    But maybe we will have a guess once they release the Final Mix of KH2, wich should have a longer and improved cinematic about these mysterious knights.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Xenmas
    A question like that is simpley a unanswerable question. Meaning that the answear to the question is; There is no answear. You cant say he couldent eat it because that would contradict that he is almighty.

    There are tons of such annoying questions out there.

    - If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

    - Is there another word for synonym?

    - Do we make bombs better or worse?

    - Etc.

    Although I can come with an answear to some of the questions it would just be MY oppinion therefore it wouldent be the true answear. Or can a question have to solutions and still be logical?..
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 20, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  6. Xenmas
    Maybe it would be possible to play as the other characters in surden parts of the game. Many games have those "extra" missions where you step into another character and play as him or her for a while until your ready to stedp indside the hero again.
    There were tons of such possibilities in KH2. For instance where Leon run back to the castle with the CD you see him destory a couple of Nobodies on his way. In that situation you could play as Leon with the task of getting the CD to the computer room within a time limit.
    That could also strength the hole "My friends are my power" KH has going on.
    Sora couldent possibly have done any of the things he did if he hadent friends to back him up, so would it be so bad if you could play as one of those friends?

    Maybe we will get the chance in the third game, or maybe not.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Xenmas
    Well he said there hadnet really been any big issues so I doubt that they wanted Goofy to die. Its just not the KH style to let the good guys die.
    And on the other hand why would they.. It would just destory the rest of the game not being able to use any of the Goofy Limits or what about all the weapons and skills they put into the character? It just wouldent make sense to let him die. And if they wanted one of the main heroes to die, dont you think the death would be a little more special than just a rock in the head?
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Xenmas
    Wisdom is normally something you gain over time and experiences. Knowledge is something can get through study and reading, but not through experiences.
    Its always a hard crossing line wheter its wisdom or knowledge you posses.

    Personally I consider myself pretty smart as in I have alot of knowledge. I would not consider myself wise since I havent lived that long and really havent had experiences that I can teach of.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  9. Xenmas
    I am an atheist, and have been one my entire life. I do not belive that there are a God or such thing as a devine being. There is no one who is controlling me or has decided how my life and destiny would be like.
    Like stated above this; I belive in not to belive. And ofcause I would never try to convince others to share my belives, live and let live then evryone is happy.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  10. Xenmas
    The secret ending in wich you fight a hooded Xenmas is in Final Mix. In the original KH there is no Nobodies at all. Not a mentioning, not a logo. Nothing at all.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Xenmas
    Do we really need another thread about wich organization member you like the most? I think we already have two threads about almost the same thing..
    People HAVE stated wich member they like the most, is it really nessecary to say wich member you likes the most out of three?..
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Xenmas
    Quote: If the soul becomes a chaser though...wouldn't that mean that *everyone* has a chaser? Sora, Xehanort, all the Org XII, everyone would have a chaser. Where are they? If they do exist, than NO ONE knows about them. Not Ansem or Yen Sid or anyone. That seems like an awfully big thing to miss.

    Well they made the original KH without even the slightest mention of Nobodies. It was first when the talk about a sequel came up they realeased the Final mix where they made 3 extra reports who taught us a little about "the non existent ones". So belive me, they would have no problems with making such a thing one more time.
    Your point seems logic though, but in the end, who knows before the third game comes out...
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Xenmas
    Sora acting funny sometimes is what that gives him his charming spirit. A "cool all the times" hero hasent really the same depth than a hero that is also capable of showing some of the more "human" behaviors. Like being totally confused or fell over something randomly. I think the reason why Superman never became as popluar as Batman, was because he was to damn perfect for people to like him as much.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Xenmas
    I dident say that the theory about Soras father made sense. I just said that it made more sense than the hole Demyx theory.

    But heres one of my theories.
    In Secret Ansems Reports, Ansem talked about a being is made of three things: A body, a heart and a soul. People who give in to the darkness or let the darkness in thiere hearts take over becomes Heartless. The body that is left becomes a Nobody, because it shouldent technically exsist.
    So what happens to the soul? I think that is what the word "chasers" that flies over the screen in the little cinematic is about. The souls become chasers because they are chasing thiere bodies and hearts.
    Nobodies retain the memories, but maybe not their TRUE or complete memories. So the "memories of xenahort" might mean the chaser of xenahort, who would hold one of the important peices in the KH puzzle.

    If that theory is nothing but a big mistake we at least know that something happend in Xenahorts past wich he has no memories of. And the three knights must have something to do with it.
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Xenmas
    Trinity. Very powerful limit and the perk is that is also can be used even without another partymember. Plus it looks neat:cool:
    Post by: Xenmas, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX