Recent Content by xelaalex

  1. xelaalex
    I wouldn't by chance be considering opening a youtube account? That would make things a lot easier.
    Post by: xelaalex, Dec 5, 2010 in forum: Technology
  2. xelaalex
    Its me again, sorry for posting so soon after before, but Aqua's Dwarf Woodlands cut-scenes is downloading at about 150 bytes per second, every other video is downloading at a regular pace, can someone help?
    Thread by: xelaalex, Dec 5, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  3. xelaalex
    The downloads seem to be working fine, thank you.
    Post by: xelaalex, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: Technology
  4. xelaalex
    Its not so much that they're broken as the webpage they send to keep refreshing and never actually let me download the video. I've noticed it on Terra's Destroy the Orbs of Light, Terra's Defeat the Unversed in Olympus Colosseum, Ventus's Defeat Lucifer, Ventus's Defeat Maleficent, Ventus' Olympus Colosseum, Aqua's Dwarf Woodlands scenes, Aqua's Enchanted Dominion scenes, Aqua's Defeat the Unversed on Keyblade Glider in Deep Space, Aqua's Defeat Unversed in Deep Space with Stitch. Could you please fix the downloads for me? I might well cancel the chronology and just do the first game if you can't.

    I dunno if you helped or not, but the downloads are working now, thank you!
    Post by: xelaalex, Dec 4, 2010 in forum: Technology
  5. xelaalex
    I need some help with downloading cut-scenes from the website. Could you perhaps fix the links? I want all of the Birth by Sleep videos checked, I'm making a series of videos showing the Kingdom Hearts chronology, all the moments in the series. Trouble is, I'm lacking a way to record Birth by Sleep, therefore I am using your videos instead. Being unable to download the videos, I can't finish the chronology. Can you help? this is the first part.
    Thread by: xelaalex, Dec 3, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Technology