Recent Content by XdragonSB

  1. XdragonSB
    Huh, the code for DW Roxas moveset is just normal one keybladed Roxas.

    Oh really? Huh, I wonder if he'll start floating.
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. XdragonSB
    Roxas Sora: Huh, there's no T-stance for Sora having this moveset. Nice.
    I'm testing out the DW Sora Roxas. If there's no T-stance on that' that's awesome.

    Then that means, it'll be nice to have Sora = Roxas Moveset / Valor = DW Roxas Moveset

    What happens if you give Roxas the Final Moveset?
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. XdragonSB
    Does anyone have the code where normal sora fights just like one handed keyblade Roxas? (And maybe a two handed keyblade, where he holds them far apart)

    I'm going to also try Sora with the Roxas model.
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. XdragonSB
    Ledge! You know, when you jump and... -oof!- you hit a LEDGE! the sides of a block. Wher sora use one hand to hang down....
    Do you even know what a ledge is.

    To Dragondude: What? Roxas with Wisdom form?
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. XdragonSB
    Oh right, sorry, T-stance.
    When I play as DW Roxas, I get a T-stance every time I get on a ledge.

    Have you played Sora holding the keyblades like Roxas without the game ever giving you a T-stance or any freeze?

    I feel like testing this out, but I'm a litle lazy right now.
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. XdragonSB
    Okay, when I talk to people to buy something (those shop owners), the game freezes.

    Go back to normal sora, and yay! I can drive, use magic, AAAND buy stuff.

    EDIT: WHat's the point of DW Sora Left hand Roxas code.... does it make sora have DW roxas moveset? Wouldn't that freeze things?
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. XdragonSB
    I requested a Dw sora code a few pages back.

    E005FDFF 0035B55C
    01CC382F 00000001
    21CC3834 00303031
    01CC3855 00000030
    01CC3874 00000001
    11CFA3FC 00000323

    Press R2 when entering a new map. This code is RAW
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. XdragonSB
    Where the code came from.
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. XdragonSB
    It works... but it didn't make my sora become normal with one keyblade...
    it removed the second keyblade!

    That's all it did. Sora just stayed in Valor moveset, but his second keyblade gone.
    Well that stinks.
    Where's the source of the valor moveset code? If I could find the source, maybe it's possible to edit it so that it will make sora just be normal.
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. XdragonSB
    Inputting codes with Jokers make the codes count as RAW right?
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. XdragonSB
    oh gosh. I hope it doesn't freeze on me like last time...

    Okay, here we go. I'll say thanks after I put in the code.

    EDIT: whoah wait a sec, won't it just activate once I press L2? Not when I enter a room while holding L2?
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. XdragonSB
    Basically, Press L2 to become normal moveset sora.

    123: Those codes do not work. :[
    Can somebody do it for me?
    I'm trying to make the joker code myself, but it seems a little complicated. But I'm trying.

    EDIT: What's the code for sora having sora moveset?
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. XdragonSB
    Can somebody provide a Joker code where if you press L2 while walking to a new map, undrived sora returns to undrived sora moveset?

    For example: I press R2 when I enter a new map to become Valor Moveset Undrived Sora. I want to return to normal sora, without the valor moveset, so I go to a new map while holding L2.

    Can somebody provide a code?
    If it's a raw code, please tell me.
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. XdragonSB
    To 123:
    Wait! I did something wrong, I forgot to put in the game ID.
    Here are the REAL codes:



    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. XdragonSB
    Thanks for the code ;)
    EDIT: The code is raw, right?

    I have no idea what the D is, but here's the codes in ARMAX:

    More Color to Special Effects

    No Model Colors

    Invisible Enemies

    Enemies/Bosses/NPCs Full Model
    Post by: XdragonSB, Dec 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault