wow... this is very sad, Micky was one of my favorite characters in KH... hopefully their hearts are in a better place now, because they will always live on in our hearts... R.I.P
k i just got kh days and as u might have guessed i dont speak/read jap. so i am at this point in the game(day 11 or something) where i discovered that L button is short cut menu, so ive been trying to assign my crap into the menu but i cant find out how so can any1 help me???
I like Dark form from CoM cuz its badass, i dont like final form that much cuz its hard to control the movement cuz it has mobile action. i also like valor cuz its purly physical att lol
I liked TWTNW and twilight town cuz they contain the most story lines. i hated Atlanta cuz of the crappy songs and hated pride land cuz u cant use most abillitys and drive/summons!!!