Theres another quick way to get Final Form. Just go to the Collossium and enter the Cerberus cup with Roxas' keyblade and drive. If you don't get Final Form, just exit and repeat.
Why do people single out the Harry Potter books, if they're going to critisize something FICTIONAL, why not look at movies, or other books which are MUCH worse. I think its ******ed to try to ban a book just because it mentions killing in such a NON REALISTIC way.
And, did anyone finish the seventh book yet?! The ending was AMAZING
I'm not sure of all of them, but I know that there's the entire Cavern of Remembrance, which includes the area with all the Data battles, and the new place where you fight Terra. Also all of the places where you fight the different Org data fights
I went to Canada and a lot of the stores along the border accepted American or Canadian dollars. I can understand the stores around the borders and stuff, but if America decided to have 2 different wouldn't make much sense.
The whole movie itself was extrememly confusing..but very good.
The moustache thing looked pretty good to me. The only other movie of him that I've seen was Day After Tomorrow, and the movie was good. I'd like to see Brokeback Mountain, he looked very nice in what I've seen =P