But still, in the new trailer, it was shown that you can play as Donald and Goofy =/
Oops, it was a typo. instead of "i" up there it was supposed to be "If". If "none of her thunder attacks would affect seph AT ALL" then I see no reason as to why they put them against each other, it would be unfair.
I "none of her thunder attacks would affect seph AT ALL" then I see no reason as to why they put them against each other, it would be unfair.
I think both Larxene and Seph have chances of winning. Both have unblockable attacks, neither of them can use reaction commands nor reflect, so...
She never lost her heart, she just lost control of the Heartless
If you don't like Disney appearing so much, then how do you like KH? KH is pratically a Disney game o_o
One: Larxene Super cool, and fast, and powerful Two: Marluxia Powerful and became a final boss Three:Saïx Powerful Berserker
As long as the story doesn't change, it matters little to me the characters' sexuality
Do you even ask? No Reaction Commands, no trinity limit, no nothing ><'
Jesus Christ, you confused me GOOD
Really? Which pic? I tried one and it didn't work.
If Terra gave up his heart, how would he become Xehanort? Xehanort has a heart, how else would he be able to become a Heartless and a Nobody? o_o
Triangle: Fire Square: Thunder X: Curaga O:Magnet
It looks a little like the Twilight Thorn, but I don't know... =P
Larxene because she's hot and Saïx because of his power.