Re:COM was sadder because my fav character marluxia died =( and mostly because of repliku's death was the most underated but saddest death because the Org XIII members death brings closure to them and Xion's didnt really die but faded back into sora like what roxas did in Kh 2, but repliku just faded back into the dark void with no purpose and no closure
marluxia has pink hair, has a scythe, and his element is blossoms, to some americans might think thats gay (except for the scythe) but think about it, this game was first made in japan, pink is the color of death, blossoms are the symbol of death and so are scythes so to the japanese hes definaltly not someone u want to mess with and i dont think so either
COM was deinfatley not easy and not that simple of a story because he didnt rescue anyone? and dont say namine cuz she is still in the castle trapped becuz of the real ansem, and marluxia was lord, not king of the castle lol
that still doesnt explain who built it though maybe ansem built it, it could be the reason why in kh2 when u discover the secret DTD password is also the same time when u get all of the journal information about the C.O crew
the worst moment had to be all those awkward/cutsie disney moments especially the happy face one in kh 1
the worst experience was the swimming controls in atlantica in kh 1 especially when fighting ursula, when are game finally going to understand that there should never be 3d swimming games EVER!
actually i thought this one had the best story out of all 3 on the ps2 the first one u get sucked into a new world and meet people to defeat the ultimate darkness(cliched so much) kh 2 u find out u defeated the wrong enemy so u and ur friend which used to be enemies team up to defeat the real ultimate enemy(cliched but not as much) this story was very deep and complex and really in order to understand it i think it was required to play the first AND second one to really understand what was going on, the gameplay wasnt the greatest ,but the story made up for it (and so did the marluxia fights)
sleights saved my life especially against larxene when shed have like a bar left and just teleport all around so much i spammed sonic blade and the other one i loved was the one where mushi spits up like a fire boulder and it exploded all over the place never really abused them though until the end of a boss battle
luxord 100% if not marluxia then it could have been him that was lord of the castle but the odd thing is is that he doesnt seem like a leader and more a follower and demyx becuz of the fact that him and larxene would be hilarious, if anyone lexeaus (bad spelling i know) seemed like the odd one out because everyone in that castle were like geniuses except for lexeaus so it would have been a better fit for luxord to take his place