I would NEVER be that much of a fangirl like that. Sure, in the privacy of our own conversations, but not if it were like that.
Also, my eyes are green, not brown. :[ and did you have to use my name? :[ You could've called me Xaxint, or naxan, or xanna! :[
but noo, ANNA. Then you got Alice to tell me. Not even YOU, that you're marrying me off to CLOUD? I love Cloud, but why not Leon?! OR DARK! YOU MENTIONED DNANGEL. </3 Why can't it be Dark?! :[
Or Kujyou-Chan?! :[-Kamicham Karin, my bad. HOW 'BOUT RIKU?!
Besides, CloudxLeon anyway!
-Cough- Nevermind, Alice tells me she told on her own.