I think I want rebattle him. Cause that fight was totally easy!! Sephiroth was kaput sooooo easy!! Even using Kingdom Key!! I fight him using kingdom key in level 99. (Sorry not to tell'ya.) :D
It's a really a hard decision... Personally I liked Xaldin ,Xigbar ,Lexaeus ,and Roxas. I liked Xaldin because his attacks was making me really beated up! I liked Xigbar too because it looks like he is the only one nobody that looks like a veteran. About Lexaeus, try fight him in KH2 FM+, I'm sure you will understand what I mean. And Roxas because he was Sora nobody.
The most annoying boss fight is against Demyx. I always lost (Believe this, I have defeated by Demyx over 100 TIMES!!!!) just because run out of time when defeating those water clones. Really..., those clones was a real drag for me...
Well, actually... I not saying I'm good at this one but I NEVER rescued by mickey. Just for further info, I never helped by mickey in proud mode and I'm not using any codebreaker because I don't have'em. Anyway, I believe that in out there still a few or a lot of gamers that play Kingdom Hearts 2 better than me... (Peace, Love, and Style. That's how I live... ^^)
I think xigbar is the coolest member of organization XII. Why? Because:
1. He is the hardest enemy that I have face because to read his attacks is fairly hard and to dodge his ultimate attack was sooooo difficult!!! Even dodging xemnas attack was more easy to dodge than xigbar's.
2. When he doing snipe, his targeting skill was vary good! I mean, you know..., even when we using Valor form sora to run, it looks like impossible for us to got away... (even the result was xigbar hitted by his own attacks because sora return them... ^^)
3. His face have lot of scars, making him looks vary cool!!!
Well, my favourite is Ultima Weapon,Kingdom Key,Oblivion,and Oathkeeper.Why?Because Ultima Weapon is the best keyblade around(I think...), Kingdom Key is a legendary keyblade (I'm not lying),while oblivion and oathkeeper just because they are belong to roxas.
Can you tell me what is the code for universal character modifier for xigbar? (About the rest i can do it by myself ^^)
Um... sir evilman_89 the codemaster... can i ask you something? Please tell me the universal character modifier for xigbar code? (in RAW format is okay)