If I was Alice, that'd be very very disturbing xD
Dear Rosey, you left a message on my page. May Slides of Fire keep you alive.
Dunno where this would fit but basically http://www.symphonicfantasies.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBSpKk4L55M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTsEGQV-QYU
http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/7382/desktopaxn.jpg I wouldn't like it on my comp, but still that's amazing. And no it's not just a screenshot as a background. Look at everything carefully.
What's with all the f's in your post dude?
NOW SEE HERE YOU!!!! I don't like me either... -Goes to play My Chemical Romance- I love you.
Not until she gives me back my dignity.
Is right here, be sure to read it. Spoiler '
You've never played Persona 4? Blasphemy.
EVERYDAY IS CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY! Everyday's great at your Junes~ Yeah you can guess what I'm playing.