Recent Content by X_Chi11er_X

  1. X_Chi11er_X
    Hello, first, thank you for the final mix codes.

    I hit a bit of a snag with the fly anywhere codes.
    it worked during the tutorial ad the first day on Destiney Islands.
    On the second day it started only working when Sora is the only non-static object in a cell. (eg. seaside shack)
    However, when I leave, it seems to trigger on another object{flight particles trigger around the target}
    Destiny Islands main cell = Seagull above bridge
    Backside of the Island = Riku
    Night of the attack = a boat. no joke.

    Darkside Cell = ?
    Item shop = Red duck

    Any advice?
    Post by: X_Chi11er_X, Jan 11, 2019 in forum: Code Vault