Waiting for the final piece of the voiceacting to get into me and then it should all be together soon!
I feel like this might be a TWEWY reference. In that game, you can level up your pins while you're not playing the game.
Yes! haha :D
Ah, I'll keep that in mind. :3 Christmas is coming up so you never know what I mind end up with. haha
Ah, my savior... I want Vegas so bad. haha One day I will obtain it...
Hopefully. :D I might take you up on that. Once I have the lines and some art done, I'll see how well my dumb computer wants to edit it. I'll...
haha That too. :DBetween the two, hopefully this'll get done. >.> I'm eager to see it, too.
haha Hopefully the vision of the finished product will be enough motivation for me. :P And I like to draw, so hopefully I won't get bored too fast.
Right now, I'm thinking of doing so artwork for it. I'll see how much patience I have for it myself, but if I need to, I'm going to find someone...
Can't wait to get the first one done so we can see what else lies ahead for it. :D
Yeah, sorry, some characters were hard to write in this scenario. :/ But trust me, other characters will get the spotlight in future shorts and...
Sorry, I had a busy weekend! But I just finished the script now and I'll send it out! :D
Will do, finishing script-writing tomorrow!
Will do. :D