normaly i just skulk in the nether regions(or never come on) not posting but i figure i should start.
these might not work on a emulator idk but they work fine on the real thing.
NPC sprite cloner
dupes 3 too 20 copies of each npc depends on the size of the area in the game.
press l+select to activate each time u use it it make one copy per use it also deactivates save function so u cant save your game while using it (your original save is fine don't worry.)
94000130 fdfb0000
b21c4d8 00000000
b0000004 00000000
d5000000 00ff0003
c0000000 00000099
d6000000 00000f00
d4000000 00000002
d2000000 00000000
i stumbled on this while screwing with some codes pretty cool huh?
and this is a work in progress.
note:I've encountered this a few times so if at first u get the wrong pokemon try the cheat again that Pokemon is of the origin cheat i made were all pokemon aren't available (ver0.0)just try it again it should work fine.
ver 3.0 will hopefully eliminate this.
all Pokemon are lv 100 there battle ready numbers to get Pokemon just change XXX to 001 thew 2EF.(numbers in hexadecimal form like this 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f,10,11,12,ect)edits pkmn in slot 2
Press L+R to activate cant remember witch pkmn slot it edits so plz post it if u try it!
94000130 fcff0000
B21c4d21 00000000
B0000004 00000000
D5000000 0034000f
C0000000 00000034
00000400 01900063
D6000000 000003a7
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000
94000130 fcff0000
B21c4d28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
000003f8 00000XXX
D2000000 00000000
Heres a few of the pkmn all are possable even the bad egg and egg witch can fight so its a neat little easter egg!
Charisard=006 blastoise=009 venusare=003 badegg=2EF egg=2EE
ill post a list of every singal pkmn and its number but it might take a week or 2 too compile it!
ok so heres some things about the cheat!
its is 2.0 ver
how to control pkmns out come.
D5000000 0034000f<note this controls nature status effects(poizion)and move sets (and possibly the name witch currently comes out as really f**ing long jap caractures and numbers i'm currently trying to hack abit of code to fix that the number for this is 34 u can chage it but only go up #'s as far as i know if u go lower the cheat stops working.
and to edit if its shiny change 0f to ff.
00000400 01900063<note; this is what controls stats hp and lv it is set to lv 99 so u can lv the pkmn(not all can lv up) to make it legit if u want to that is. u can also change 63 to64 for lv 100 or lower it. (note:some stats tie into lv so if u lower the lvl u lower the stats but i'm aiming for a control that can make legit passable pkmn that can be traded over wi fi connection so far i made this without pokesav.
if anyone wants to work on this code by all means do i haven't a ds atm cuz it broke.
edit: putting them in a pc or daycare makes the legit if i remember correctly all but there names evolving them fixes everything.