Recent Content by WisdomsKey

  1. WisdomsKey

    Okay thanks ^.^
    Post by: WisdomsKey, Apr 13, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. WisdomsKey
    It was a hot day on the island and school was out for the summer. 12 year old Zion sits near the beach shore line next to the 13 year old twins Ace and Leo soaking up the rays. " I'm bored!" Zion says while throwing his head back miserably. Zion was a energtic redheaded boy that always had a sense of justice just like his father Sora, not to mention a strong willed heart like his mother Kairi. "The sun's to hot to go swimming and the coconuts are to nasty to eat...this is the worst summer vacation ever." Leo layed in the sand making messed up sand angels. " How about a fight? That usually cheers me up when I wope you guys butts!" said Leo messing up his only good sand angel. Leo was a protimist and love to talk alot, he has silver hair like his father Riku and jade green eyes like his mother Naiyomie. Ace unlike his brother was an optomist and real quiet but he was quite the busy body, he had silver hair like his brother but with black tips and had one ice blue eye and one jade green eye.
    The sun hung over the boys purposely like and the boys for some reason allowed it's evil heat to rain over them. " What if we can go on an adventure, you know like the ones our parents went on." said Ace, trying to shead some light on the two miserable boys. Leo too miserable to clobber Ace through sand in his face which made Ace cover his eyes in pain. " Get a life twerp! Adventures are for kids, our parents were unfortunte to go on one." Leo said. Zion loved his dad's stories of adventure and his time as the keyblade master, he was'nt going to let Leo just say that. "Come on Leo you know our parents went on the best adventure these islands have ever seen, I mean we're the sons of heros!!" Leo looked at Zion boringly and then turned to get up. " Yeah whatever, just letting all of you guys know that adventures stink and I hope we never go on one." Leo said streaching and kicking a foot load of sand on Zion. " Well catch you scobbies later, I'm getting a real bad sunburn and I don't want to get one in places I don't need it, later days." Leo walked over to the docked boat and started to row through the crystal clear blue water to thier home island.
    Zion got up brushing the sand of his blue jump suit and looked towards the waves. After a long silence Ace finally piped up. " I hope we do go on an adventure, a real one not like these kids stuff we'd be playing." "Me too..." Zion siad, "...and I hope it will be as exciting as my fathers." Ace got up and closed his eyes dreamly. "Yeah...I hope we get to fight lot's of monsters and kiss a princess!" Zion and Ace looked at each other and they both siad " Naaaaw!" shaking their heads and laughing.
    The sun was going down and the wind blew through the trees over head. In the tree tops a man with red eyes and silver hair was staring down at the boys. "Zion...the keywielder's son...the next keyblade master...heh, this may be an interesting story after all hahahaha!!!"
    Thread by: WisdomsKey, Apr 9, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. WisdomsKey
    I think it's horrid and mean. Why would someone do that to the best looking characters in the game? It's sick and twisted if you ask me!:mad:
    Post by: WisdomsKey, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. WisdomsKey
    Well since there was no question for me to answer I might as well just put on a question:

    In Kingdom Hearts 2 why did Pooh not remember Sora?

    This is pretty easy I'm sure you can figure this out fast.:D
    Post by: WisdomsKey, Apr 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. WisdomsKey

    Okay thanks!;)

    Thanx a lot! :)

    Thank you a lot!;)
    Post by: WisdomsKey, Apr 2, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. WisdomsKey
    Hi I'm WisdomsKey and I love Kingdom Hearts!. I came here to meet people that loves Kingdom Hearts as much as I do! I really love to draw anime and Kingdom Hearts it's like a get away for me, if you want to see my art you can go to and check it out. So hi and hope we can becomes friends!!!:p

    P.S. Do you have to have Movie maker to Make your own kingdom hearts videos or you canjust make it on here?:)
    Thread by: WisdomsKey, Apr 1, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures