Recent Content by whale dog

  1. whale dog


    "They useually sing about break ups in relationships or wanting to die
    Funny, almost all music I hear is about that"

    sry i forget how to do quotes. I just wanted to say not all music is like that. there's death metal: wanting other people to die and classic rock: wanting to have sex. so yeah its not everything. But let me say why emo bands have such a bad reputation. anyone who plays guitar can tell from listening that this kid on his guitar can not play. He just wants fame so he plays simplistic enough riffs for people to listen and buy their crap. Same with the drummer, (my borther plays drums) who changes the beat once every six songs. I don't know anything about bass though so I won't go there. Whining is not singing. And that is what defines an emo band whether the band likes it or not. A sellout, whiny, talentless band of media whores. So really I guess emo is different for everyone. People who listen to this music aren't always bad people, but the ones that like to pretend they have such a horrible life are too overdramatic and listening to them put up this act is like having holes drilled in my head. but again its not all of them.

    And one last thing about the emo bands themselves. what do they have to whine abuot? how could their lives be so terrible if they're selling millions of albums and making billions of dollars, selling out shows no matter where they go and going on tour everywhere with some of the best bands in the world?

    i like goths. goths are creepy. and i love their music.
    Post by: whale dog, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. whale dog
    I dont believe in the Bible or the church. Not because the Bible was written by man but that has something to do with it. mostly because it's been translated so many hundreds of times that how could it possibly have been translated correctly, intentional or not? But i do believe in God sometimes. Basicly half of the time I think it's ridiculous and the other half of the time I don't know what else to believe.
    Post by: whale dog, Mar 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. whale dog
    i gota go to gym. and swim. with the whales. everything we both said is true though, right? so we can agree. yay. lets be friends! im so happy i could eat a cow. i love you camel!
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. whale dog

    you are a whale-critoris sucker and a whale-sperm drinker as well as an elaphant butt raper and yuo have no friends besides the elaphants who like being butt raped.
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. whale dog
    look i really have nothing to say to that. spell the goddam words right so i can at least figure out wtf ur talking about.
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. whale dog
    you are possibly the dumbest person i have ever met. either that or you have arthritis fingers. which doent help when your FINGERING WHALES! AND BUTTHOLES DURING POOP SEX!
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. whale dog

    stop spreading your rumors about people in defense of your own love for poop sex! AND WHALES!
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. whale dog
    no YOU get it tight. everyone knows your bumhole is not tight at all, and everyone knows why.
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. whale dog
    Earth is a massive turd!
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. whale dog
    of course camel, nothing else makes sense!

    unless you include the theory that really there was no big bang and the earth just fell out while god was on the pooper
    Post by: whale dog, Feb 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. whale dog
    im left handed and that means i rule the world. all left handed people shuold rule the world. any other lefties with me? meet at DC and well start a group thatll take over the goverment and smack righties with rulers when they try to wright with the wrong hand. VIVA LA REVOLUTION
    Post by: whale dog, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. whale dog


    sry to b weird but for the starter of the thread i have to say that ur post doesnt really make sense. how can u fall in and out of love if love doesnt exist? anyway i think love is just a word people use to describe a feeling so it has to exist if thats what you call it. if you call it something else then i guess you could sau theres no such thing as love.
    Post by: whale dog, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. whale dog
    the true god has a pink computer with a hello kitty face on the side
    Post by: whale dog, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. whale dog
    well i think the answer is obvious. glue. have you ever seen a little kid eating glue? they love it! and why? bacuase it secretly tastes deliciously like a cookie and a cake AND a pie all at once! thats also the main ingredient in all pastries. so there ive solved this ownderfully complex mystery for you all.
    Post by: whale dog, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. whale dog
    actually we can. and i did it this way. trust me guys it works. and if u feel like it go ahead and send me a video of u doing this so i can post it everywhere and laugh at you. yay.
    Post by: whale dog, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion