plz convert plz convert from codebreaker 8.2 to gameshark 2 1.3!!!! 00340C8E 00000007 thanx!!!!!!
i need a ar max code for no exp gain. anyone have 1???
thay all worked!!!! thanx alot!!!! 1 more ? u know a code to give sora 9999cp? and riku fast level up?
i need these converted from ar max to gameshark 2 v1.3. thanx to anyone who helps ar max codes: Kingdom heart re:chain of memories (M) C0HW-9WWF-NJH6A 2WB3-CKA5-AYQGW Infinite Moogle Points R9VW-C7Y9-J8Z2B CV7Z-W3ZQ-GFJPY SORA CODES: GWM8-4EJV-9VMZ3 Quick Level Up K7QB-PR2F-5UVWD 1W3Z-7CT0-XEVR9 Max CP MJV9-H2M7-FMD5T N8HW-DU7M-5AU2R all these i need converted. thanx again! alot!!!!