Lunar Knights had pretty good voice overs.There should be an option or code like the Y's game on PS2 that allows you to have the English dub or Japanese voices w/ subtitles would be rad. Either with or w/out voices I'm still buying and won't cry about it:).
Terra's other move,not sure what its called but I'll try to explain it, where he has four pillars come out of the ground. its the same move mickey does when he is trying to bring you back to life after you've been defeated.
Ok let me try again:), Advent Children wasn't a total failure,I enjoyed some bits, but i just think there are way to many characters to try to fit into a movie. I felt A.C. was too long and all the FF VII characters showing up only for the climax was lame, i could've done without them. A KH CGI would be rad but not enough even for a full length would leave out too many KH people and will have the fan boys and girls crying foul.
Like Advent Children it would fail. They will focus on 2 or 3 main characters and then in the last 10 minutes try to bunch every single character from both games.