Hi everyone,
So thinking about it Birth by Sleep is probably my favourite game of the series, rivalled by Kingdom Hearts 2. I think BbS could have been extended or perhaps more challenging, excluding boss fights, but the graphics and gameplay are the best from my point of view.
Im sure people will agree with me when I say the spin-offs of KH (excluding Bbs) have had some awful storylines, and it seems 3DS is no different, im guesing we're gona play a game inside Sora's head, I mean what's that about, "A story of trust", What?
Hi all,
In the secret ending for KH BBS MX says that all the seeds for his plan had already been sown, or something along those lines, I've heard rumour that one of these was telling Maleficent about princesses of heart, does anyone know anything on the matter?
Yeah it was definitely Ansem the Wise, the video even shows a close up of Ansem the Wise's eyes, then the text, then the eyes again, I mean how obvious can you get?
Yeah completely right daxma, it's Sephiroth, this isn't just the point where he eneters the colloseum ( KH 1 Platinum Match) he also seems to take Zack somewhere cos he disapears when the camera spans back to where he was.