Recent Content by waleed123

  1. waleed123
    So I gotta say, I did not cry once, not one bit, not until the epilogue when Tessa and Jem are talking Will and then I just started to bawl my eyes out and it was so sad and they just have so much love and auuuuuuuuugh. Will is my favorite. Always has been, always will be. Then Magnus, and followed by Isabelle. [[ sorry, not sorry. this shouldn't be a spoiler to anyone that has read the Infernal Devices and if you haven't read them, then you shouldn't be reading this final volume until you do because about 70% of the content in it relates to the prequels in some way, shape, or form. Doing you a favor right now. Stop reading until you've done that. ]]

    I feel very fulfilled and I can't say that about many book series endings. C.C. did a real number in the last two chapters to tie up loose ends. It feels even better to know that things are not really over. If you read the Shadowhunters official webpage [[ which I do a lot because I'm a nerd. hurk ]] then you know that along with our new characters Emma and Jules, C.C. mentions that we will see some familiar faces. There are two special someones that we will definitely be seeing.

    Most of what I have to say is pretty much about the ending. So, do not click the spoiler if you're not done reading. I really don't want to ruin everything for you.
    Post by: waleed123, Oct 14, 2014 in forum: Literature