Recent Content by Viscount_of_Stardust

  1. Viscount_of_Stardust


    Does it matter of their views. People commit suicide for silly reasons instead of continuing their lives. Those who commit suicide lose out in the end
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Jun 15, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  2. Viscount_of_Stardust
    Sex is acceptable within marriage. Unless this is so it is fornication and this is a cardinal sin. It doesn't matter how you sell it, it corrupts
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Viscount_of_Stardust
    666 is the symbol of the beast. There are many ways to interpret it but no man shall ever decipher it himself without assistance.
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Viscount_of_Stardust
    This sickened me. Although from what I heard of the story it suggested his face-paint was based on the joker from the Dark Knight. This is an example of bad things begatting further bad things.

    The Joker was a horrid character as was the actor and it has inspired such horrendous deeds as this
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  5. Viscount_of_Stardust
    I am no fan of Stephen King to be frank. Sometimes his storytelling is sloppy and overrated yet he comments frequently on how other authors have made mistakes or aren't talented. It is ironic.

    Twilight is well written for its target audience
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: Literature
  6. Viscount_of_Stardust
    With all due respect, Princess Diana was not the most caring person in the world. She merely had money and press coverage.

    And she was on the verge of Islamic conversion.
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Viscount_of_Stardust
    They express their views in a way that they choose to. Unfortunately it's a little thing called free speech and religious freedom
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Viscount_of_Stardust


    I belive that all who do not conform to a certain moral standard sould be regarded as second-class citizens.

    I mean no offence to any ethnic groups as many lead full and good lives.

    But the underbelly of every nation should be cut out. The thieves, rapists, killers, homosexuals, atheists etc. These people show no humanity and should be treated as such
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Jan 19, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Viscount_of_Stardust
    INNOCENTS?! They are innocents. You cannot tarnish an entire country but for the actions of the few.

    Israel is invading. How would you like it If I were to inVade you with my dog?!
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Jan 12, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  10. Viscount_of_Stardust
    To be fair, most of this stuff seems to happen in America because of the sheer size of the place. With more people there's more chance for more nutjobs. China's probably worse but they'd never broadcast that.

    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  11. Viscount_of_Stardust
    Bunterx your being very harsh about this whole matter. God's will is being shown clearly. You are the type who comments about God not revealing himself anymore and then when MIRACLES occur you choose to scorn them. The angle was there to assist the surgeons and medical professionals save the girls life. God indirectly was behind it. Just accept that a life was saved...or is that too much for you.

    O.T. I dislike your Richard O'Brian
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  12. Viscount_of_Stardust
    I disagree. Although Islam is a wrong religion with misguided policies, this is a matter of state not religion. It is how prisons are everywhere
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Nov 12, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  13. Viscount_of_Stardust
    Base was merely stating an opinion in the same way BunterX was. How is it that Base is the one being targeted? He isn't the one who was deliberately bashing Christianity. I spy sig connection
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  14. Viscount_of_Stardust
    He was giving his opinions in relation to other posts. If you feel targeted because he didn't agree with you then that's up to you. I thought his post covered a lot of this thread quite well
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  15. Viscount_of_Stardust
    Sadly this is true. Because not being circumcised alone is breaking a rule, which is a pretty big chunk of the world. I don't make the rules though
    Post by: Viscount_of_Stardust, Oct 29, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner