Recent Content by Vinyourg

  1. Vinyourg
    Hey, I like Heroes of Our Time too. I'll try that one, but it'll probably take me another year and a half due to commitment to other things like education and such.

    Thanks for the advice on Youtube. :yessir:
    Post by: Vinyourg, Dec 15, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  2. Vinyourg
    I won't deny that by posting this topic, i'm trying to get people to see my video . But really, I don't think I did a bad job on this song using only Window's Movie Maker. Can someone point me to any other user who specializes in Kingdom Hearts/WMM? I kinda want to see other WMM videos.

    How do I improve this video? If I get advice, i'll probably be constantly re-making this video.
    Thread by: Vinyourg, Dec 14, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. Vinyourg
    Not to be an arse, (but I bet I am :D) but what am I doing wrong if I click the download links and get redirected to the filefront homepage? I'd like to download these cutscenes as early as I can.
    Post by: Vinyourg, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX