Recent Content by Ventuskeyblade

  1. Ventuskeyblade
    I guess my top 5 hardest bosses would be
    5.Brawlamari 2nd Fight (The super laser thing he did always got me)
    4. Wargoyal (Side Sora)
    3. Rinzeler (The only hard part was dodging upside down.)
    2. Xemnas (He was almost always moving around and avoiding my attacks)
    1. Julius (But he was way too easy to cheap shot)

    I dont know why people are saying Ansem was difficult because I thought he was fairly average. Then again i was around lvl 65 by that point so I might have just been over leveled.
  2. Ventuskeyblade
    i always figured that Xehanort wanted to loose so he could place his heart into Terra. So it was meant to be an easy fight pretty much.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Ventuskeyblade
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Ventuskeyblade, Aug 26, 2012
  4. Ventuskeyblade
    Well I'm not really hoping for command decks in KH3 after seeing what they've become in DDD. I mean it's really just the commands that are the problem. I think the commands are OP. Certain ones like Ballonga are all it takes to defeat the secret boss in DDD. Plus, most of the bosses could be defeated by spamming the commands. Even if there wasn't a problem like that with the commands I would still prefer the KH2 style of combat just because it felt more satisfying to me. Also, I don't want flowmotion in KH3. I mean it was ok in DDD but it made sense as to why it was there. Kinda. You're in a dream so...anything is possible? I don't know. I just don't want it in KH3. I do want the command styles to return, and possibly the ability to level them up like the drive forms in KH2.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Aug 26, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Ventuskeyblade
    unless there isn't enough characters for that.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Ventuskeyblade
    I have this beef with Disney channel so I wouldnt want to see it on there. disney channel doesnt really have any good shows....and i think a KH show would be too much. it probably wouldnt do too good.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Ventuskeyblade
    Well acording to the Days manga, they show the castle inside looking totally trashed. but i doubt it was destroyed.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Ventuskeyblade
    about wat u said for the keyblade riku got that wasn't terras....maybe it was like... a BEGINNER keyblade? like it was a common form or something? or it actually could have been terra's, because the keys differ on the keychain they have.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Ventuskeyblade
    Im pretty sure that Sora didnt get a keyblade because of Ven. Riku was originally going to get the keyblade, but he went to darkness and the keyblade SAVED SORA FROM DARKNESS. i dont think aqua's promise had anything to do with this because it was never mentioned in any KH games except BBs.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Nov 4, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Ventuskeyblade
    well Nomura (i think) said that we shouldn't be fooled by images that we see. im guessing he means that the screens with sora and riku in their KH outfits were kinda just prototypes. so that might clear some stuf up. also, if this game takes place in sora's head and through his memories, thats just ANOTHER CoM! I cant wait for this game to come out because it'll probably be really good. and the 3Ds graphics will make this game amazing!!!
  11. Ventuskeyblade

    i think they will in recoded's secret ending, Yen Sid said that Xehanort had come back. so sora will probably fight him and reclaim terra's body. who knows? maybe sora will fight along side Lingering Sentiment
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Oct 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Ventuskeyblade
    well, i would think Luxord would be with Grim Reaper because it deals with coins and thats like gambling...i also this that whatever heartless the organization member summons is theirs. of course that wouldnt really work for some members. this is an interesting topic....ive never thought about that...

    what u said about Sora not "willingly" becoming a heartless...
    i think it counts as willingly even if u didnt know that u would turn into a heartless. so he meant to do it.
    Post by: Ventuskeyblade, Oct 22, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX