Recent Content by ventusangel

  1. ventusangel
    Thanks I'll try it. I had no idea that not all mp4's were the same... :/

    XD am I the first to ask?
    Post by: ventusangel, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. ventusangel
    Hey guys. I'm a huge kh fan and since I'm poor and will probably never get the chance to play all the games like some people do.. >_< Ive resolved to try to download cutscenes from the entire series...

    So then I can piece up all the parts of the story's puzzle and find out what happened. I'm dying of curiosity! I downloaded some videos from kh2 in mp4 but... for some reason I can't play the files. I don't know what happened.. I downloaded like 20 scenes and when I looked at the files it read:


    And a message popped up saying they weren't playable.

    T _T *sigh* and they took hours to download....

    Someone please help me...
    Thread by: ventusangel, Dec 10, 2014, 7 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance