Recent Content by vasja224

  1. vasja224
    oh man,i blacked out trying to fix a curtain. I was on my toes trying to reatach something and the next thing i knew i was only the floor, everything was gray, and i was wimpering in pain. And then i was thinking how the hell did i get her, so i limped to the couch and sat until i remembered what i was doing. yeah needless to say not a fun experience. I had strep at the time(not that i knew this).
    Post by: vasja224, May 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. vasja224
    I wanted to make a tribute amv for demyx, but i couldnt find like ANY clips of him. only a few.. anyone of any good demyx clips?
    Thread by: vasja224, May 4, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio