Recent Content by varxtis

  1. varxtis
    Wow, I can understand her concern. It did seems like Simple and clean sent a different message than Hikari, and same for Passion and Sanctuary. I never really thought about that, but I guess it would feel pretty forced to take something you created and forcefully make it something completely different as long as it sounds the same. Hmm... interesting. Well, It'd be nice if they just kept with Japanese only versions in my opinion. I appreciated Hikari and Passion far more than their English counterparts anyway. Hearing a Japanese song in an English game I think would help make the feel more culturally expansive. Besides, Utada is beyond Pro status in her ability to seamless tie english verses into japanese Song (Sakura Nagashi and Final Distance are prime examples) Sometimes I think US goes too far in "catering" to pin heads that arn't okay in diversifying to other languages other than russian and spanish. Its the "can't understand it so it's automatically stupid" type mentality that Disney and Square are having to deal with when releasing to a country like US. But who knows... go on a leap of faith and cater to the vast anime following thats developed in the US where people watch anime and listen to music in Japanese all the time and just keep the next Theme Song Japanese across the board. US, Land of rights and diversity, unless that is you have to diversify... then you're encroaching on their rights to be narrow minded pinheads lol.
    Post by: varxtis, Jul 27, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. varxtis
    My Opinion:
    Hikaru Utada has affixed a certain nostalgia to the Kingdom Hearts Franchise (at least for the Xehanort Saga), regardless of how much Square and Disney have over used the same songs (which I am in much agreement to). However, to me, she is part of the game... more like part of Sora, Riku and Kiari. To me, her songs are their theme to their journeys, and they always recall home with her music. I think if she and disney were able to compromise, come to an agreement, she would be able to bring something so beautiful, nostalgic, and bitter sweet that would bring the Xehanort Saga to a close, especially if she brought some of that Sakura Nagashi feel to the atmosphere. It was funny, before I ever saw Eva 3.0, I heard Sakura Nagashi. When I heard it, I immediately pictured, and more importantly felt, the post apocalyptic bitter-sweet scene that she painted with her melody. When I saw the movie, I almost cried when seeing the scene almost exactly as I pictured. VERY few artists can do that to me. I would feel like there is something lacking, something out of place, if Hikaru Utada did NOT do the next KH Theme Song. If they didn't, the song would most likely be beautiful and go well, but again, it's Utadas Melody, her voice that I hear when I think of KH: The Xehanort Saga. I wish I were better with my words more poetic, because these words pale in comparison to the feeling I'm trying to relate. Whats sad, is I'm posting this with a knowledge that Utada and Disney probably couldn't care less about boards like these, but I still post hoping they see :( If there is a petition, I will sign.
    Post by: varxtis, Jul 26, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. varxtis
    ya, sorry... i posted here and then pm'd ya. again, thank you. once ive got them all id be happy to get in touch with ya and talk torrents ^_^
    Post by: varxtis, Feb 24, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. varxtis
    Hello all.
    I was wondering if there is a torrent available for all of the KH-Vids HD videos/cutscenes? At one time I had pretty much every video, but my hard drive crashed so I am now having to go back through and redownload all of the videos :( Some of the videos that are available for direct download (like KH 3D Cutscenes) are taking way over an hour. Its because of the domain badwidth, not mine.
    Please accept my deepest apologies if there is a reference to this the question in some obscure (or not so obscure) place in a recent forum discussion, but I did search and the most recent I could find was a dead thread that ended back in Jan 2012. I feel like I AM missing something really really obvious since torrents are so readily used these days and there are quite a few discussins here on KH-Vids in older (2009-2012) threads...
    Please help.
    Thread by: varxtis, Feb 21, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance