I have a very big list of "the movies I have ever watched"
VLAD = a total piece of sh** and agony, why ruin a perfect piece of Dracula literature with this movie.
A sound of Thunder = no discussion, this movie sucked ass, who wants to see big reptile baboons in the future.
Sweeney Todd = I wanted to see this movie so badly, and I tried to see every good aspect of it, but I have to say "Johnny Depp singin' a song, didn't help the movie at all.
AVP2 = I love alien and predator and I also loved this movie... but it's still a piece of crap with a script that has been made up in two hours.
The Last Legion = I hated it :(
Al gore's: An inconvenient truth = Boring, I already knew that this would happen
In her shoes = and this is supposed to be a comedy?
The game's made by Square-Enix not Disney, I like Sephiroth in in Kingdom Hearts, and you must keep in mind that Kingdom Hearts has nothing to do with Final Fantasy. So Sephiroth could also be a good guy in Kingdom Hearts
make his hair "Dark blue" like the guy in final fantasy versus XIII he would look awesome with it, and a red/brown color of eyes would be the finishing though
and apparently this Master Codes works on the Dutch version so also on the German version I think :D
Mastercode Version SLES_542.33 (DE)
But wait I think I've found something that might soulve my problem and for other people try this code...
Mastercode Version SLES_541.14 (UK)
Ok I've tried it and it Works this is for all you youngsters who get the message "Code for the wrong game" If you have the UK Version of the game wich you can see on the Game disc than you'll need the SLES_541.14 (UK) (M) code, and if you have the german version you'll need the SLES_542.33 (DE) (M) code...
but even if you have the German Version or the UK Version you can still make a new Game with the UK or DE (M) code... so yes there is NO difference in Game Version you'll only need to insert the desired (M) code and you can have fun.
I've also tried the one from evilman89 but that was seems to be for the UK version I've got the version from the netherlands so it probably needs a code for the german version :D because these work on my game