Recent Content by Valor

  1. Valor


    I'm new. Well, kinda new. I joined, like, about a week or so ago, if I remember correctly, but haven't posted yet.

    I won't lie, I'm just introducing myself so I don't feel like a freeloader asking what I'm about to ask. Which I can't seem to find a better place for, by the way. XD

    Anyway...I wanted to know why some of the links for downloading the clips on the main page don't work. There are a couple of them that I wanted to use for AMVs, such as the English Sora/Roxas battle and the scene with Sora and Axel...but when I click the links, it takes me to a different page. (The Sora/Roxas one takes me to the Japanese download page, and the scene with Sora and Axel just takes me to the main Filefront page.)

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one having problems with

    Er, guess I'm just hoping to bring this to someone's attention, although I'm sure I'm not the first to bring it up. =/

    With that out of the way...hi, everyone. How's it going? =)
    Thread by: Valor, Jul 4, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures