Recent Content by urbansamurai431

  1. urbansamurai431
    I haven't bought a game in a while... I believe it was FFXII. This was on the release date here in America though, October 31st, so yeah, it's been a while.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 21, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  2. urbansamurai431
    Wakka should have around 650 HP and Tidus should have around 550 HP. If they don't have this much, then you should upgrade your HP. If they do, then work on strength. That seems to be the problem. If you do enough damage to the extractor, when he goes up for depth charges, you can knock it down. I believe it's like 500 HP damage. Stopping depth charges is the most important part, so if you can't work on strength.

    Hope that helps!!!
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 21, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. urbansamurai431
    Umm. Ape Escape, probably. It was reallyl the first video game I LOVED, and it's the reason why I kept playing video games.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. urbansamurai431
    Final Fantasy X Opening (kind of)
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 17, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. urbansamurai431
    Awesome!! I've only played SO: Till the End of Time (SO3), but my friend got me into it. He says the second one is awesome. He's also got a psp and is REALLY looking for new games, so he'll love this. Star Ocean4!! YES!!!! I was wondering when it was coming. The Star Ocean series is too good to let go.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 17, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  6. urbansamurai431
    1. Final Fantasy
    2. Kingdom Hearts
    3. Shenmue
    4. Mario
    5. Devil May Cry
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 14, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. urbansamurai431
    okay, let me try to help. Does Tidus know cheer? And does he also know haste??
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 13, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  8. urbansamurai431
    Either Caladbolg (Tidus's Ultiumate weapon in FFX), Nirvana (Yuna's Ultimate Weapon in FFX; it made aeons [especially anima] AWESOME!), or Wakka's Grand Champion. When I got that weapon and trained him a little more, Wakka was taking of 64,000 PER HIT by the time I got to Yu Yevon. I was just messing with Braska's final Aeon. I killed him in 2 turns. I killed the Omega Weapon in 1 hit with Anima. His REGULAR HITS took of 99,999. Keep in mind that Omega Weapon only has 99,999 hp in the North American version of FFX, but the International version of the game gives him 999,999. One hit is impossible.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 9, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. urbansamurai431
    Dynasty Warriors. Lu Bu is the man. I loved it when I fought his army. He crushed everyone except my general and me, so I crushed him. I wiped out his ENTIRE ARMY except for him in like 7 minutes, and he spent a half an hour wiping out all of mine BY HIMSELF. He's a monster.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, May 8, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  10. urbansamurai431
    Well.... Give Tidus and Wakka weapons that have the lightning element to them. When the battle starts, have Tidus use cheer, and also use haste (if you have it yet, you probably don't) on both characters. When goes in the air, he's about to use depth charges. if you pound on him with wakka, he should come down before he uses depth charges. If he doesn't, use potions right away and conitue to pound on him. he should go down. Just remember to WAIL on him with wakka when he goes in the air, and he should be pretty easy.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. urbansamurai431
    He meant that you should get the secret items in each trial. If you get them all, you can get anima later, which is the awesome-est aeon in the game. The secret item in Besaid is a rod for Yuna. It's in a treasure chest, and you use a destruction sphere to get it.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, Apr 29, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. urbansamurai431
    Post by: urbansamurai431, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  13. urbansamurai431
    ARRGGGGHHHH. I'm never coming to these forums again.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  14. urbansamurai431
    This guy is ridiculous.... That's crazy. ().()
    Post by: urbansamurai431, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. urbansamurai431
    If you're too weak, you can train on the airship. The fiends the guado released appear as you walk around. Fight them until Tidus learns these moves.

    Don't worry, I had tons of trouble with this battle too when I first did it. I fought him like 8 times. He's hard, but he's not unbeatable.
    Post by: urbansamurai431, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Gaming