Recent Content by UmbraMoon

  1. UmbraMoon


    Thank you~!
    That's awesome :D.
    And okay xD. I'll beware Dusks, too..;3
    Post by: UmbraMoon, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. UmbraMoon


    Hello~! ^.^. Yep, anime is awesome~ :3
    Thank you, you too~! ^_^

    LOL. Thank you~!

    Post by: UmbraMoon, Feb 25, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. UmbraMoon


    Hello ^.^ Thanks and you too~

    MV making is really fun :3. I'm getting almost done with my first AMV now..x)
    I've skimmed over the rules...mainly because it's the same type of stuff that I see on almost all spam, no flaming, sig size
    limits, etc..
    And the necrobumping thing...I've never ward it called that xD. I probably wouldn't do that anyway though because I try to post in active threads where I'm more likely to get a reply..
    Thank you, and you too~! ^_^

    Post by: UmbraMoon, Feb 25, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. UmbraMoon


    First off...on KHI Forums, I'm UmbraTsuki. Tsuki means moon, so I just used UmbraMoon here :3.
    What else..
    I like anime, manga, music, drawing/reading/writing, and mostly Square Enix video games ((but some others..)).
    I've recently started making a music video ((thanks to KH-vids for the clips <33)), too. That might become another new hobby of mine, considering how much fun I'm having...x]]
    It's nice to meet you~
    Thread by: UmbraMoon, Feb 23, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures