I was wrong, confused the condensed party code with the universal one, sorry about that. With the universal code i enter the the guest slot and the forms slots and nothing happens.
Everything worked fine, thanks, but how can i make bosses appear? I use the Party modifier (condensed) and enter the guest slot for a certain boss and it doesn't appear, tried with a different slot and nothing.
Hi Guys, i'm new here and wanted to ask a few questions regarding some codes
1) I want to play with cloud and tifa to fight certain bosses that i can't battle anymore because i'm at the final part of the game. I can play with Cloud OR Tifa and replace goofy to fight a boss, but i can't put both of them on the same battle. Oh, and somebody knows how to fight more than 1 boss at once? (Such as Terra,Sephiroth, and Xemnas)
2) I don't know why, but when i entered a code (Dunno which one) Reflect dissapeared forever from my magic list.
3) Someone has the code to play as Final/Limit Sora? like in this video:
4) How does the reaction Command code works exactly? i press R3 and push Triangle but no matter how many times i press it, the animation doesn't show at all.
And just for fun, a funny glitch that happened to me: When i was battling Luxord, he was doing his usual limit attack when he was at critical health, and as always, Tifa and cloud interrupted his limit (the final part when you have to mark everything with four O's) i did mark all the O's and he ran out of his time bar. When i was ready to finish him, he did his limit again, and this time i missed with an X, he regained a quarter of his time bar, but when i attacked him with a limit, i defeated him with his bar still in that state.