Recent Content by Ultimate Oblivion

  1. Ultimate Oblivion
    I'll join.

    Name: Axel

    Age: 22

    Org or Titan: Org

    Rank: VIII

    Element: Fire

    Personality: jerky, hot headed

    Weapon: chakrams
    Post by: Ultimate Oblivion, May 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ultimate Oblivion
    Name: Xande

    Number: XII

    Title: The Dark Knight

    Gender: Male

    Element: Dark

    Appearance: black and gold organization coat, short white hair, dark blue eyes.

    Weapon: black and silver sword

    Personality: dark, power-hungry, seeks revenge

    Bio: An apprentice of a great mage, Xande was angered when his master gave him mortality. he went mad and tried to summon darkness to swallow the world. in the end, the darkness ended up swallowing him.(thats all he remembers; everything else is hazy.)

    Theme Song: One Step Closer by Linkin Park
    Post by: Ultimate Oblivion, May 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home