Recent Content by Uiriamu

  1. Uiriamu
    yeah, which is sad. because it would be just that epic. sora with trinity limit or a world lock finisher.
    running around doing moves like ragnarok and instead of dashing he's fly. oh man that'd be sweet!
    Post by: Uiriamu, Nov 7, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  2. Uiriamu

    I read an article on a FFwikia, and it was saying there's a thought of KH characters in the upcoming FFD012 (Final Fantasy Dissidia Duodecim/012) and I was thinking about the possible moves for the characters. Like air attacks and such that Sora/other KH characters would have?

    Who would they use? What is their story involvement?
    Those kind of things. Leave our feedback.
    Post by: Uiriamu, Nov 7, 2010 in forum: Gaming