Recent Content by Twilightbear

  1. Twilightbear
    nope. this is the first one i've seen

    doubt he's a form of xehanort...he's way too old and creepy...Xehanort is kinda hot and this guy is an old geezer
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Twilightbear
    looking at that screen cap...I'm positive it ain't xigbar...the facial structure is all wrong. and you'd think that he'd smirk a bit since xigbar seems to get a kick out of fighting. Sorry Baig, i bet you were a keyblader but you ain't this one.

    So anyone have an idea of where the hell Xehanort came from?
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Twilightbear
    they said that everything began in maybe he was born from darkness in an extremity. maybe the world had so much light and peace that psycho path came out as a natural balancer.
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Twilightbear
    one question left....where did xehanort come from. He's too young to be baldy. and he was always trying to recover his memory. first by seeking darkness to unlock the memories in his heart. Then by seeking KH as a nobody in order to retrieve his heart so that he could remember...damn xehanort is a charity case. how come no one in kingdom hearts is all the way bad?!

    and plus they formed the organization in the first place which means that some how they felt they were meant to be united. Considering that all of their memories resided in past emotions and that they could've all went their seperate ways
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Twilightbear
    they're keebler elves ^ ^
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Twilightbear
    oh yeah, that falls back on the theory we made earlier, that each nobody in Organization XIII was a keyblade master. Also they said only nobodies with strong hearts became part of the organization there for their hearts would've been equivalent in strength to a keyblader. so mayber they all were keybladers
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Twilightbear
    yeah he does. He looks exactly like him. He just has more bangs in the front

    welll you see ansem was wise ruler who said lets cut this out so that we won't screw up. but they wanted to drive forward because like most scientists, they had an obsession with making things logical about hearts. I think they uncovered too much and that may be what they mean by uncovering the lost secret/
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Twilightbear
    oh he means the blade of E.S's keyblade. look at it closely and it resemble xigbar's symbol. Maybe it is xigbar. Maybe at the beginning they realized that they were doing wrong with the research and tried to resist. the apprentises i mean. Maybe they found something they didn't want to mess with and that something was baldy
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Twilightbear
    I'm sure they are related. But think they're about as related as sworn enemies could possibly be. Baldy had to do something to piss the big guy off

    I honestly can't make the connection with xigbar...when i look at him and then at the third knight, I just don't see it

    plus going by a temporary glow isn't really solid. His eyes are blue.
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Twilightbear
    he does look like him judging by hair but i still feel that there isn't enough similarity to figure out whether it's Saix or not. the reason i say it's Xehanort is not only the eye color and hair, but because

    In the first se you see him doubled for a moment just like the bald guy showing possible similarities between the bad guy and good guy.

    I was thinking maybe this is an internal conflict of being with the light and dark. He chooses to be the first to attack baldy like he has a score to settle while the other seem to sorta back off.

    Xehanort lost his memories at some point so i thought that maybe during the fight, he implored the darkness to aid him (eyes glowing) and he went after the guy. But in the process lost himself in the darkness and wound up at Radiant Garden with no memory what so ever.

    basically Xehanort delve a little to far in and lost himself while gaining the victory.
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Twilightbear
    wel i was just thinking that the eyes shape and the face sculpt reminded me of axel as i was typing. Hell if it is, it explains why he was so upside with blond knight got hurt and why axel was so upset about roxas leaving. did say he felt like he had a heart around roxas and nobodies have the memories of feelings so hey it could happen XD

    Though i still think my Xehanort one is more acurate.

    join the club. But then we all have to remember that we never actually saw blue girl die nor did we see mister glowy eyes go bye bye. now the roxas dopplegange...who can actually survive that long as a block of ice >.> Now that i think about it, he probably died.

    What I was thinking was the glowy eyes is Xehanort. Saix had pointy ears too >.> and that guy is way too old to be xigbar but i won't rule out the possibility.
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Twilightbear
    well what we discussed earlier was the possibility that each of the symbols of the organization were connected to old keybladers. figuring that since in one of the trailers, Xemnas was waking up some old suit of armor we figured there were more down there. Like Key of Destiny, Graceful Assassin, Savage Nymph and stuff like that. we kind speculated that these names were all former key bladers and that some of the nobodies were incarnation of them

    Oh! another possibility just popped up in my head. A veeeeery far fetched one. What if the third Knight at the end was Axel's sombody XD
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Twilightbear
    Well like i said, Namine was the result of Kairi's heart leaving Sora's body in khI
    Roxas was the result of Sora's heart leaving at the same time
    so um that kinda makes them twins don't it. XD
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Twilightbear
    welll i agree on the nobody thing and if you read the reports in KHII you will know that she's not kairi's nobody. SHe's Sora's nobody. SHe was born at the same moment that roxas was. How? Kairi's heart adn Sora's heart let Sora's body at the exact same time as shown in KHI and DiZ confirmed it with his report. Namine came from Sora and there for is his nobody. ^ ^ Sora's special, he has two nobodies!
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Twilightbear
    still say the keyblades wised up and left!

    My question is why the hell kairi even got a keyblade?

    theory: it was just to make the kairi fans shut the hell up (no offense, but kairi is to me an unnecessary character)
    Post by: Twilightbear, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX