Recent Content by Twilight--XIII

  1. Twilight--XIII
    OOC: The cafeteria spells trouble... D: I should argue with Yuffie to keep Aerith in there. xD; You know Tularim, maybe you can make Yuffie say something random... like, "You haven't washed your hands yet...! You should go do that before you eat!!" lol. That's what I'd do, but your choice...

    "Oh... I haven't seen Cloud in a while. Is he alright...?" She asked, getting up, ready to actually go look for him among the people in the cafeteria. Luckily for Yuffie, she wasn't quick on conclusions, and waited for a reply first.

    "Man, I think I want some fish..." Demyx said as he heard his stomach growl. He looked and saw that the cafeteria did, in fact, have fish that time. Wow... it looks delicious~ Demyx smiled, this should satisfy his stomach, and keep his mind off loneliness for at least a short while.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Twilight--XIII
    "Hmm, is something wrong Yuffie?" Aerith asked, then gulping her food and sweatdropping, "Sorry for speaking with my mouth full... what is it? I haven't seen you in a a while." She smiled.

    Demyx was alone again... "What do you do that make people avoid you huh?!" He started to say to himself. "Oh, I dunno, maybe because I can't talk right."

    "You're just some childish idiot." He replied to his own comment, getting that phrase from a teacher when he asked him who he was in the class when he was younger. Of course, the teacher was joking, since he was really nice at heart, but Demyx used it as an insult at himself.

    "Well, I can't do a thing about it." He shrugged, and then kept silent as he looked at the cafeteria entrance. "Maybe some food will help... I'm hungry..."

    OOC: The cafeteria is a bridge to trouble. ;(
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Twilight--XIII
    OOC: Sorry 'bout that, if I let you make her do something, you probably would make her speak. And I don't want the scene to continue. :P

    Anyhoo, I'm back. I've been online on other forums...

    Demyx luckily didn't hear what Yuffie had shouted, since he was walking away at quite a fast pace. "That did NOT go well." He whispered. What was Axel thinking? He frowned. It was awkward around Yuffie for him. Why was that?

    Aerith went back out through the hall and went to the cafeteria. "Some pancakes please~" She said politely. Her order was given to her, and she brought it to the closest table. She was the only one there, which was odd, as being one of the popular students, she was usually around other preps. She poured some syrup on it and began to eat.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Twilight--XIII
    "W-what? Already?" Demyx stammered, and as Yuffie suddenly looked back at him, he got flushed. "Uh... not that I want you to stick around here or anything--I mean, not that I want the conversation to be longer... and, uh... bye?" He scratched his head. He turned around and began to walk off the opposite direction. That was EMBARRASSING. He slouched and blushed at the thought of how stupid he had just sounded.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Twilight--XIII
    Demyx laughed even more, "I was just kidding!" He said. He smiled even more when Yuffie brought the topic about him and Axel. "Well, not really since-we-were-kids... to be honest, we met just a few years ago. But we became best friends in record time... of course, not as fast as Axel befriended Roxas, but still..." He paused and his smile broadened. "Ever have the feeling you just met someone, and the next second you feel like you've known that person your whole life?"

    "Here we are!" Aerith smiled, opening a door to a room just beside her own. "This is your room." She said, putting down Namine's bag carefully beside the bed. "If you need anything, I'm just next-door..." She giggled, "I made sure that vacant room beside mine would be occupied someday... it's quite quiet around here on this side of the dormitory... but at least I'll have friendly company now." She finished, exiting Namine's room then entering her own.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Twilight--XIII
    Alrighty... here are some of them...

    Marluxia x Larxene
    Cloud x Aerith
    Reno (or Axel) x Tifa (dun ask me why. D: I DUNNO)
    Roxas x Namine

    Ash x Misty
    Drew x May
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Twilight--XIII
    Still Riku like last time... He grew in height, he learned from his mistakes, he also learned how to fight without sight, if that counts.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Twilight--XIII
    "Oh, I'm fine... thanks for your concern..." Demyx blushed slightly as he noticed how caring Yuffie had been this past... few minute. "Well... it's really nice of you to care about this Leon guy... I'm sure he'd feel a lot better after hearing you say that..." He smiled, and suddenly frowned then joked, "Unless he's some grouchy guy who doesn't give a damn to other peoples' thoughts..." He paused and laughed, "Just kidding~"

    "Oh, I'm sure you'll get used to it..." Aerith smiled as she heard Namine's comment about how confusing it was to get around the school grounds. She took one of Namine's bags and began walking toward the dorm. "And... yes, I'm sure you'd love to meet my friends..." Aerith said, "But first, we need to get you to your room... follow me..."

    OOC: Sorry... it didn't feel right censoring 'damn' for some reason... o_o;
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Twilight--XIII
    Roxas was back up in his room, playing Nintendogs on his Nintendo DS Lite... "Good boy..." He murmured silently, rubbing his finger across the touch screen to pet one. The virtual dogs kept him good company in the room with no one but himself... Roxas whistled, making the dogs bark as they 'approached him'. He continued to give them attention... feeding, drinks, play stuff... At least XIII had something to do... He saved and then switched off the game... He picked up another gamepac and played Pokemon.

    EDIT: Forgot to increase size...
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Twilight--XIII
    Aerith smiled as she saw a blonde girl approach... it was Namine. "You made it!" She smiled, running over to her to help her with her things...

    Demyx waited for Yuffie's reply... he really couldn't say much about where he had been lately... he wondered if the little ninja wanted more of an answer.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Twilight--XIII
    Aerith ran a bit more and then went at a slower pace when she noticed a few people came by, a lot were blondes... surely one would be Namine... right? She walked toward the group... "Namine?" She asked, reaching her hand out for the shortest girl among them. The girl who looked back wasn't her... It was some girl that looked like she's been staring at a TV for a couple of days... not a pretty sight. "Ah s-sorry..." Aerith sighed as the girl just gave a suspicious look and went off. Aerith looked at the other girls there... "Namine?" She called out, hoping for a reply.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Twilight--XIII
    Aerith looked around, there were a lot of people bustling... not good. She had to make sure she could find Namine... Aerith looked around a bit more while standing just beside the entrance to the dorm... She got worried as more time passed... Namine might be lost... Aerith thought, she looked back one more time at the building and ran off to look for the girl...
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Twilight--XIII


    LOL it's ok... intros don't have to be prepared. Welcome, and welcome other newbies.
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Twilight--XIII
    Welcome JackieChan. ^^ Welcome other people and stay active...
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. Twilight--XIII

    hey all

    Welcome. Stay active and welcome others.

    About the hacking, ask someone who knows what to do. xD;
    Post by: Twilight--XIII, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures