Recent Content by TwentySevenLies

  1. TwentySevenLies
  2. TwentySevenLies

    Don't know where to normally put this, but Birth By Sleep has apparently been announced for September 7th. About time too.
    Post by: TwentySevenLies, May 17, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. TwentySevenLies
    Amazon change their dates constantly. Isn't there a 'symbolic' date or something for release of FFXIII in March? I hope so, because I want FF so bad its not even funny. But can't really be trusted on their release dates until much nearer the actual release.
    Post by: TwentySevenLies, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. TwentySevenLies
    So Ven just waits until a viable host comes along, sees Sora's body becoming a nobody and jumps into it, thus rebirthing himself, yes? Unless 358/2 days proves that can't happen what with every continuities different laws on magic. I haven't played 358/2 days and am waiting to play and am trying not to read about it online, so I have no idea what new rules it states, or if it draws any connection between Roxas and Ven, however subtle. I think I lost track of what I was saying. Meh.
    Post by: TwentySevenLies, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates