Recent Content by TsukiKookii

  1. TsukiKookii
    Holloweentown's friggin' hilarious. xD

    And also Pride Rock. I always loved seeing Goofy as a turtle running.

    I do the same thing in TT, too. Donald and Goofy are STALKERS! I tell you - STALKERS! O.O;; I find it fun to ride the train and watch as they try [and fail] to catch up with you.... it's kinda creepy though, how you think you'd lost them, and then suddenly they just come at you out of nowhere. O.O I've spent hours running away from them in Twilight Town. xP

    I've... basically done the same thing as everyone else. lol And I used to LOVE playing the Destiny Isle. glitch in KH1! That was teh awesomeness. <3333
    Post by: TsukiKookii, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts