All the videos were really good. I especially enjoyed khfreak's video. That had to be one of the best I've seen recently. The first video was done quite well too. Excellant job to everyone! Maybe once June rolls around, I'll be making Kingdom Hearts AMVs a lot more. That is once my CD-Rom drive gets fixed.
Well, WMM isn't really good at timing. That's why want to get Sony Vegas. I entered a really cool one into Katsucon 14 AMV contest. I guess you could watch it.
If you want to watch one of those, then start with 1.0 and then 2.0 to see what I changed. I will tell you I'm obssesed with using the 180 degree rotation effect in one scene.
As for Sony Vegas, which one is the best to go for? I've made 13 AMVs and I understand effects and music.
Hmm. Interesting. Could you do me a favor and give a few tips on how make some really cool AMVs? I want you to watch two of mine when you get the chance. All are made with WMM. Fun right?
Even thought I am known as ChaosFinale on Youtube, I'm known in the portals as Naxist. Watch them if you want, and if you do, give me suggestions on how to make them even cooler.
What does it take to get our AMV up there? I made quite a few good ones that have 60-200 views, no rates, no comments... Oh well, the first one was good.
How good is Sony Vegas? Which Sony Vegas package do you use? It goes all the way to Pro. WMM is good and all, but Sony Vegas pawns. I use WMM and wanna move up to the bigger better video making programs.