Recent Content by Topaz Quartz

  1. Topaz Quartz
  2. Topaz Quartz
    There is but... I don't have it ATM.
    Post by: Topaz Quartz, Sep 8, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Topaz Quartz
  4. Topaz Quartz
    Well, I have talked to disgustor and here's the fixed code as pnach:

    And normal fixed:
    2036266C 44160000
    20362678 00000000
    Post by: Topaz Quartz, Jul 20, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Topaz Quartz
    I have a great code. It is made by Disgustor. This code basically makes the camera zoomed out of Sora like it's KH2 (Or similar to.) and make it centered to Sora.
    Enjoy ^^

    00362678 00000000
    0036266C 44160000
    Post by: Topaz Quartz, Apr 26, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Topaz Quartz
    UPDATED! Rev7 is now out. The hardest update to bring at all!
    Post by: Topaz Quartz, Apr 8, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Topaz Quartz
    Hello everyone, My name is Topaz M. Quartz, a mid-level modification creator for various games.

    If you are here, then you are looking for a widescreen patch for the game .

    But you ask: "Isn't there already a widescreen patch for this game?"

    Well, yes. But like ALL widescreen patches, that only fixes the 3D aspect of the game, while 2D looks stretched as usual. While this patch takes one step further and fixes the 2D elementals as well. But remember that it is still in BETA. So it is not yet "Complete", but is still playable.

    Allow me to demonstrate the features:
    Rev1 - Rev6:
    -Fixed the General HUD "HP Bars, Magic Bar, Drive Bar Text, etc."
    -Fixed 3 Command Menus so Far "KH1, Hollow Bastion, Cavern of Remembrance"
    -Fixed the Underworld Tournament Sign-Ups
    -Fixed Jack Sparrow's Map.
    -Fixed Terminal and Computer Access Menu "Hollow Bastion, Tron's World"
    -Fixed the Information Bar alongside with all of the Item icons.
    -Implemented the TrueKH1 Command Menu
    -Fixed the Main Menu
    New features will be added, with time. But for now, this is what has been done.

    So, how does THIS patch work? It modifies the game ISO directly, so it is not a code (RAM Hack) but instead, a ROM Hack.

    Now, before some screenshots and videos, Let me get into the credits:

    -Thanks to SusmitDS for inspiring me to do this patch. His HDfication was something revolutionary, and we all hope that he gets well soon.
    -Thanks to VladVidya for his great help. He is the current developer of the HDfication mod. I hope that he succeeds with his mod and finally gets trough the obstacles that prevent him from doing more.
    -Thanks to GovanifY, Xaddgx and Soraikosan for their advices and help to make this patch even better!
    -Thanks to TheLegendOfKingDoify and Naru-Izanagi for their support.

    Now then, before you all say "No pics, no clicks" Here are some screenshots that compares both without and with this patch. You can clearly see the difference. (Note that 3D is widescreen in BOTH the Screenshots. Ones on the top are fixed, ones on the bottom are unmodified.) :




    To make this thread not that long, I could only have shown 3 examples.

    Now, the video to show it in Action! (Action! learned it's lesson...) :

    Now, for the download. You can go to the video's description to subscribe for new updates,

    Or you can download the patch file from this link:!gMoxUSaI!3zkUW0yI_QBFw-IUSpwxZFXn_LX_ZVqV6LjEblo8FZQ

    Have a nice day! And remember:

    "We all share the same sky, one sky, one destiny."
    Thread by: Topaz Quartz, Apr 2, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Code Vault