Recent Content by Top-Tier Roxas.

  1. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Name of RP: RE:Quest for Reason
    Synopsis: A great shaking of the universe has brought all the worlds together. Bits and pieces of the varying worlds have all collided, becoming one. The cause? The Power-Thieving Holy von Telos is wishing to broaden his rule, as well as steal the abilities of anyone who stands in his way. Will you join him, or would you rebel against this tyranny?
    Genre: Crossover
    Link: Here.
    OOC Link: Here.
    Activity: CLOSED!
    Other:Accepting characters from any series. Join as whoever you'd like.
    Created by: Top-Tier Roxas.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Dec 23, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Top-Tier Roxas.
    This is the Accepted Character Thread for RE:Quest for Reason. The main thread can be found here.

    Thread by: Top-Tier Roxas., Dec 23, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Top-Tier Roxas.
    This is where the players in RE:Quest for reason can come to openly talk to one another, as well as brainstorm ideas for and generally discuss the roleplay. The main thread can be found here.
    Thread by: Top-Tier Roxas., Dec 23, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Top-Tier Roxas.
    {RE:}Quest for Reason.

    From the Journal of Holy von Telos

    17th, Entropus, 1457 AC.

    I think I may have found it. The other Archon's have been yammering about this for centuries, but no one ever knew just how to pull it off. If there really are other worlds out there, they wouldn't exist solely to stay independent of one another. The only tricky part is tuning into their momentum. It would have to be something big, something powerful happening all at once. It makes my head spin just imagining all the possibilities. All the disciples I could employ. All the slaves I could steal. All the abilities that I could consume. All, for me. Let those who stand against me fear my arrival, and let those who would aid me relish their rewards. This tiny world of mine ceases to amuse me.

    That evening, after many sleepless hours, Holy von Telos, the unchallenged dictator of a nameless world had felt it. He could feel the pulse of something big, reverberating through him. He felt the world beneath him humming with a similar vibration. It seemed as though the heart of the world itself was moving, pulsing, beating. Holy pulled his arms outward, mentally reaching for the other distant pulses. He clenched his fists, pulling them inward and together. A grin covered the man's masked face; the ground beneath him began to shake; The world outside his lavish castle had changed. ​

    I think this section pretty much speaks for itself. But let's go over things just in case.

    {I}> Follow the Code of Conduct. No spamming, flaming, cybering, or anything of the like. Failure to comply will result in immediate expulsion from the thread. I don't want to be in any sort of trouble for something I had nothing to do with.
    {II}>If you would like to play a character, send me a private message or a message on my page letting me know who, I would rather not have the OoC cluttering up the roleplay. I will keep a list on the front page of how many more characters I'll be taking. Also, characters are to be played as themselves, with their personalities, abilities and sexualities in-tact. In order to keep a proper balance in this, it is paramount information that All characters are equal, your Original Character is no stronger than any others, however, Main Characters may take priority in a battle. This is to ensure that everyone has their share of fun, and that the plot I have in-store is not to be taken over, in accordance to Rule IV.
    {III}>I know that not everyone can write a whole lot, but I still want some decent posts. So please, at least two paragraphs. Paragraphs are five-to-eight sentences. I won't crack down super-hard on this rule, but you have been warned. Literacy and proper grammar are huge pluses as well. Most important though, is making a post that someone can actually respond to. I don't want you to drudge through making a ten+ line post of just what your character is thinking or just having your character sit there. Do something, be active.
    Also, not really a rule, but a suggestion, is to have the following Code somewhere in your post. It helps with character organization and backtracking.
    Province: {Current province}
    Location: {Current Location}
    Interaction: {Current character interaction}
    {IV}>Behavior of both the character, and the RPer, need to be regulated. Characters need to keep things at a PG13 level, be it Violence, language or... romantic activities. Violence and romance of every kind are heavily encouraged in this roleplay, but please, be reasonable with it. I don't want you to describe to me how you've lost your arm and the remnant stub is leaving a bloody mess everywhere. Nor do I need your characters' sex in here. About the RPer's now, Do not try to shape the entire story for yourself, this is a team effort. Don't ignore other players, no flaming, trolling, spamming, god-modding (God-modding pertains to power playing, ever-dodging, never-tiring, writing your character out of a situation that seemed impossible), and auto-hitting (making contact with another character without the Roleplayer allowing it.).
    {V}>Rules are subject to change, and will probably change constantly. I would suggest visiting the first page constantly, to avoid any misunderstandings.

    Accepted Characters can be found >Here<.
    I will be accepting characters from practically anything. Any anime, manga, comic, action-cartoon, etc. will be accepted, so long as I accept your profile for them. Fill out profiles below and send them to me in a private message. Also, as this is a Crossover, I don't want a crap-ton of OC's. So, for every two Canon Characters you take up, regardless of series, I will accept one of your OC's.
    Name: {use URL codes to make the name a link to their appearance.}
    Faction: {Good, Neutral or Evil.}
    All Equipment: {use URL codes to make the name a link to the weapon's appearance.}
    Fighting Style: {Do you prefer speed, or brute strength, maybe magic, intellect?}
    Abilities: {Your character's natural abilities, Descriptions please, and in List format}
    Secret Tech.:{Your character's most powerful moves; cannot be copied through Empathy}
    Personality: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here}
    Biography: {I don't care if it's copied from a Wiki, just have something helpful here}
    Series: {What series is your character from/ Based on, if any.}
    Also, I will have a Wish List system. Anyone who would be kind enough to play a character from the Wish List will be rewarded with Reputation if they play the character well. Also, feel free to send me any messages with characters you would like to add to the wishlist.
    The separate sections of the new world, all slammed together like a puzzle made from pieces that came from hundreds of unrelated sets. The Provinces may end abruptly; like, the border of a province could be through where a building was, causing only half of the building to be transported in the cataclysm. Or a forest suddenly ending halfway through a tree and starting with a city right afterward, etc.
    If you're the first one to submit a character from that series, let me know and tell me of a good spot to make a province out of.
    Here's the list!

    Holy's Dominion
    A run-down city on the verge of scientific advancement surrounds a lavish, over-sized castle. The buildings appear to be early Victorian, almost, but the rust and wood molding could fool you.
    The World That Never Was - Kingdom Hearts
    A city blanketed in a never-ending night, its dark skyscrapers crowd the skyline, as if reaching upward to grab the heart-shaped moon that looms overhead. Shadowy creatures known as Heartless are constantly on the hunt here.
    Iwatodai - Persona 3
    A typical port-city located in Japan, bustling with life. However, due to the cataclysm that brought the worlds together, Gekkokaun High School is now permanently transformed into its Tartarus state. Dark creatures called Shadows have made this place their home, and they swarm ever one of the tower's well-over-two-hundred floors.

    I am currently accepting reservations for any character


    Minato Arisato
    XXI|The Universe

    Placid silver eyes flared open, the shaking of the floor beneath the boy woke him from his momentary sleep. Minato Arisato awoke atop Tartarus. The eerie yellow moon hung above him, tainting the very sky around it with a fearful green glow. The moon's green aura spread outward like dropping a colored liquid in a glass of water. It seeped slowly, as if attempting to encroach upon the black night itself. The blue-haired teen shook his head. This wasn't right. For the sake of the world, he should still be sleeping. If he was awake, that meant that the Great Seal was broken. The smiling yellow crescent overhead haunted his gaze again as he tried to gather a bit more information. It looked as though the Dark Hour had returned, Tartarus along with it. Whatever was shaking the earth far below him moments ago possibly had something to do with it.

    The Persona User shrugged. There was no point in just standing here. He descended down the stairway near the rim of the tower's roof, and proceeded downward. On the second floor down, the blunette noticed a familiar green light emanating from a strange device. Well, at least the Access Points were still in tact. Drudging through fifty floors in one night was a hassle, let alone the entire tower. Minato was quickly warped to the first floor, making his way to the streets of Iwatodai, where things would only get weirder.​

    Province: Iwatodai
    Location: Streets of Port Island
    Interaction: N/a​
    Thread by: Top-Tier Roxas., Dec 23, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Has anyone here played League of Legends?
    Or DotA?
    A pokemon game like that is exactly what I want.
    Very team based real-time strategy.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Feb 10, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  6. Top-Tier Roxas.
    |>II: The Freeshooter

    Xigbar raised his hands in a mock-defensive position, motioning them as if to calm down an angry animal. The Nobody figured Axel was a bit... sensitive to any mention of Roxas, but that sort of reaction was not what he expected.
    "Alright alright, Eeeeasy. I just came to chat. More importantly, to chat about your role here in the Organization."

    "As a former Traitor to us, Xehanort feels it necessary to fully understand your motives. That's why he's got you on that leash. It's physically impossible for you to betray us now. But hey, what do I know about physics?" Xigbar joked, referencing to his ability to fully warp the space around him. The Freeshooter "Personally, I think the Superior's taking it a bit far with something like that, but hey, at least you got a second chance now. " Xigbar gave a mock-friendly smile, opening a dark corridor behind him. "I'm gunna head back now. I'm pretty sure Xehanort's gunna have a little talk with our new recruit, and me, miss that? As if."

    Xigbar walked back into his portal, reappearing in a spiral of darkness in his throne in the room Where nothing Gathers.

    |>World: Twilight Town -> ?
    |>Location: Station Plaza -> Where nothing Gathers
    |>Interaction: Axel
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Feb 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Top-Tier Roxas.
    The both of you are maaaaaaaaaajor cuties. :3
    three if I include Foosh's friend.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Feb 5, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Well, most religions revolve around the thesis that we are central; that we are most important. That our world was hatched from a spiritual egg, created in the sexual act of a mother and father god, or the latest creation of the God's workshop. The focus is that we are the center of the universe.
    In reality, we are not central. Earth's Solar System is on one of the far tendrils of the Milky Way galaxy's spiral. We live in the boondocks of the universe.

    I'm not saying there isn't a higher power or "God", though I am saying that all the current religions are false, Iron-age fairy-tales.
    Entertaining, yes, but that is what fiction is.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Feb 3, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  9. Top-Tier Roxas.
    I got a haircut the other day. Finally. haha
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Feb 2, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. Top-Tier Roxas.
    OoC: You would have to play Riku for one, and he is taken by the Co-Owner of the thread.
    And for two, He never accepted your profile. You do not have permissions to post in this thread at this time.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Jan 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Top-Tier Roxas.
    Thanks Sabby.
    You look pretty spiffy yourself.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Jan 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. Top-Tier Roxas.
    KHV is full of nice looking people. :3

    I hope I don't break that chain. D:

    Christmas was pretty cool, too.
    Post by: Top-Tier Roxas., Jan 27, 2011 in forum: The Playground