Recent Content by Toolshed-Shadow

  1. Toolshed-Shadow
    Thanks for the entusiastic greetings, everyone.

    Be on the lookout for an AMV from me. It'll be my first Kingdom Hearts AMV, and I'm still learning how to use Windows Movie Maker... so don't expect anything too fancy.
    Post by: Toolshed-Shadow, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Toolshed-Shadow
    Nah, I'm joking. I'm not looking for a fight, relax. My name's Matt, but, because of my username, call me Toolshed, Tool, or Shadow. Or, y'know, whatever other nickname you can come up for me.

    Some points about me:
    1. I'm a litterate b*****d. A grammar nazi. So if I see a spelling/punctuation error of any kind, LOOK OUT. I'm also Anti-'txt talk'.

    2. I'm a musically-inclined person. My favorite band is Tool. Other favorites include Opeth, The Beatles, Nirvana... the list goes on. I also play many instruments.

    Current genre I'm into: Punk. Listening to 'Dig Up Her Bones' by The Misfits.

    3. Video Game Nerd.

    4. I write various pieces, ranging from poetry to fanfiction and other stories.

    If you wish to check out my work, go here:

    or here:

    5. I'm male, and taken.

    6. I am a user on Gaia Online ( , username Matt the masterofshadows) and RuneScape (, username Ryan Opeth). Don't be shy if you want to add me to your friendslist!

    I hope to become good friends with the latter of you.

    Thread by: Toolshed-Shadow, Dec 1, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Toolshed-Shadow
    Not me. I just recently turned sixteen.
    Post by: Toolshed-Shadow, Nov 30, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone