Thats still living on in a way but I guess you would think he wouldn't because you have a crush on him[not that thats a bad thing-I have a crush on Axel. ^^;]. Either way your right he does but doesn't live on.
I hope everyone noticed that- it's a very important keypoint to the story. Just that..some people..what if they don't want their emotion? Call me emo...but I don't want them.
Happy easter to you too.
So..did you end up at that one becase you already are one? *is just curious* or did you outweigh the pros an cons?
Life may seem dull without emotions but that all depends on the person. For me..I've felt 99% pain an only 1% happiness. Call me emo or whatever but I think I'd be better off not feeling anything at all.
Good on yah for your choice though.
A nobody cannot feel. They just rememer their emotions of their past- of their somebody.
Mhmm..Carefree..nuteral..hmm...o_O Reminds me of being a kid. lol. XP Though my life wasn't that way as one. lol. *nods* fellow past hater...I hate my present too..