Recent Content by Timmiluvs

  1. Timmiluvs
    Alright, thanks. I'll be looking more into myself when my workload eases up, but figured I'd check here for it before investing too much time in it.
    Post by: Timmiluvs, Feb 24, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Timmiluvs
    There is no way I'll sanely be able to read through how many ever years worth of posts here, so sorry if this is somewhere in this thread already (a search didn't bring anything up).

    Is there a code to remove the beeping when you're in critical health? Either a code to remove it or change the condition for triggering it so it doesn't go off at all.
    Post by: Timmiluvs, Feb 22, 2017 in forum: Code Vault